Oct 24 2012

Science Meetings

Posted at 5:44 pm under Cegielski

Today our daily question was “Do you think we should have science meetings to get ready for our field trip?”  Most of the students answered yes to the question! They are excited to start preparing to solve the mystery of the leak at the Children’s Museum.  This morning we practiced using pipettes during our science investigation: “How many drops of water can fit on a penny?”  During morning meeting, the students shared their results and we realized that we got a lot of different answers.  Here is a part of our conversation:

Cameron: “I got nine drops on heads and 10 drops on tails.”  Isabella: “I got 17 and 18 drops.”  Jermaine: “I got 20 drops.”

I then asked the students why they thought our results were so different.

Himiko: “It could be different amounts of water because we have two different pipettes.”

Chairo: “I think the pennies could be different like one could be rough and one could be smooth.”

Jermaine: “It matters if the penny is on heads or tails.”

Their theories about our different results were very thoughtful.  We will continue our investigation this week and start our science meetings soon!

Isabella and Jermaine test how many drops of water will fit on a penny.

Martavious, Kaitlyn, and Himiko investigate our penny theories from this morning.

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