Aug 18 2011

Thursday, 8/18

Posted at 7:50 pm under Bucher

Good evening!

Today, we played an extension of a game we learned on Tuesday.  We partnered up with a friend, and each friend got a stick of unifix cubes (10 pieces in each stick).  Then the children had to take turns rolling a dice that had 1, 2, or 3 on it.  When they got a red number they had to add unifix cubes to complete the set of unifix cubes.  When they got a green number they could take it away.  The first person to get rid of their unifix cubes won!  I was partnered with Saa, and we were laughing because we could not get rid of our unifix cubes…we kept getting the red numbers.  When we discussed with the whole group what happened while we were playing, a lot of the other partners had the same issue so we are going to try to play tomorrow and see if our luck changes!  🙂

Here is a photo of a story book that Madeline P. made during Free Choice today.  It is about Cars 2, and she has four chapters to it.  She was so proud of the words she added and the creative manner she made her story book!


One response so far

One Response to “Thursday, 8/18”

  1.   pribleon 18 Aug 2011 at 8:00 pm 1

    Thanks for the daily updates! It’s fun to see what the kids are doing in the classroom. I try to check every day.

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