Aug 29 2011

So proud today!

Posted at 6:36 pm under Bucher

Today was a really good day!  During Writer’s Workshop today so many of the kiddos were adding details to their books which is what our minilessons have been about the last few days.  They were so excited to tell me that they were adding trees, doors, gardens, facial expressions, etc. to their books!

During Reader’s Workshop we had many of the children reading and rereading their books during the independent time, and then we had two friends read their books in front of the class.  Isaac and Malachi both did a wonderful job reading their books, and you could see their excitement and self-confidence rise as readers.  During Math Workshop, we worked in small groups and partners to solve some story problems, and all of the kids were engaged in finding out the answer using their tools they had at the time!

Also during Math Workshop we began an activity that will be a part of the next couple of days.  We are in the midst of a shoe measuring activity where we see how many steps it takes to get to various parts of our room.  Today we did the actual counting of the steps.  Tomorrow we will graph on our own papers how many steps it took, and then on Wednesday we will do a class graph!  Each child was so engaged during this time and were really counting the steps as they completed each measurement!  They were such busy bees!

Jett and Malachi built a structure together. On the left side of the structure Jett is playing Mario Bros. On the right side Malachi is playing Angry Birds. What a clever and useful way for them to use the same structure but for their own engagement. They were interacting the entire time as well. I thought this was such a neat experience to witness.

Some of our friends counting the steps from the tape to the classroom door.

Some of our friends counting the steps from the tape to the bathroom and then recording the number they got.

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