Sep 06 2011

Cinderella Lightning McQueen

Posted at 11:29 pm under Estridge

Our study of bugs has continued to progress over the past week. Word got out that we were studying bugs, so other teachers in our school started bringing insects to room 105! Mrs. Grojon brought a praying mantis to us last week. We studied it, drew observational drawings of it, and even named it…Cinderella Lightning McQueen! This weekend I went out a purchased a new terrarium and some crickets for our praying mantis. Cinderella is now a permanent fixture in our classroom community. We will continue to study this creature as a piece of our insect project!

Larry works on his observational drawing as well.

La'Mount and Aaliyah working on their observational drawing of our praying mantis.

Cinderalla Lightning McQueen

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