Sep 08 2011


Posted at 7:50 pm under Bucher

The kids were buzzing today about who was going to be in what puppet show for our grand puppet show.  During Reader’s Workshop and our end of the day free choice/project work time many were talking about it and informing others what the various parts were in each story.

Today we started a new game during Math Workshop called Forward/Backward.  The children had to roll two dice (one with numerals 1-6 and one with plus and minus signs on it).  Once they rolled both dice they had to move that many spaces on their board.  The first person to the finish line won the game.  I have to say that every pair playing this game was so engaged in this activity that we switched partners and continued the play.  It was fun to see the children so engaged during this learning experience.

I am excited for Football Friday tomorrow!

Shaniyia and Jason playing the game together during Math Workshop.

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