Archive for the 'Argus' Category

Sep 01 2011

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Fall Calendar of Events

Filed under Argus

Good afternoon! Here are a few dates for our families to be aware of:

September 15th- Parent Organization Planning Meeting, 6pm

September 21st- Parent/Teacher Conferences, Afternoon and Evening

October 5th- Picture Day

October 10th-21st- Fall Break

November 10th- Picture Retake Day

More information about each date will be coming soon.

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Aug 31 2011

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Test Flights

Filed under Argus

Test pilots.

Today we took our airplanes on a test flight. During our studio/explore time, everyone created an airplane. We then experimented with modifications for their flight- rudders, tails, wing cuts, and many more. We decided the best way to test our modifications was to fly the planes outside and try. It was interesting to see how the kids judged their airplane’s success or not. Some friends deemed their flight was only successful if it made a long distance. Some deemed a successful flight if it turned a particular way or spun in one direction. Everyone was looking to make their plane do something a little bit different which made the activity special and unique to each child. We discovered through our trial that many of the modifications we thought would be helpful were really not and actually made some of our planes do opposite of what we desired. Tomorow we will have more time to reflect on our test flights and think about what we can do differently to our planes to try again for a more desired effect.

Our class has also been working hard at literacy stations this week. Literacy stations is a time during reader’s workshop where the children are put into small groups and experience different reading and writing tasks to develop strength in literacy. The activities are differentiated and can me modified for each child’s needs so they are adequetly challenged and pushed to their fullest potential.

Hutton and Angela at Graph a Letter station.


Working hard during literacy stations.

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Aug 30 2011

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

In case you missed it…

The IPS/Butler University Laboratory School was featured yesterday evening on WTHR’s Whats Cool in School. Check out the link to see our school in action.



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Aug 30 2011

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Which way will it turn?

Filed under Argus

Investigating new “modifications” to add to our planes.

Our inquiry on airplanes continues! Today, one of our friends noticed another library book that had directions for paper airplanes. The kids have been trying our each type and seeing which they like best. We have started comparing and contrasting the different types and Lucas found a big difference in one of our books. “This one has modifications!” “Modifications?” we asked. “What’s that?” Lucas then explained that one of the instructions had directions to cut wing flaps and other tools that planes use to steer them, control height, and speed. We have been talking about how planes control these things and how pilots know what to do when they are in the cockpit. Lucas began experimenting with some of the modofications to this paper airplane and soon after, many other friends were interested in seeing how their modifications would affect the way their plane flew.


Solving our airplane problem during math workshop.

 I am excited to say that math workshop is quickly becoming a favorite time of day for the kids as well as myself. I was so impressed today with the kids’ ability to show their work with their manipulatives and record it for the first time in their math notebook. Our class was very thoughtful in showing our work and many friends were even trying to find new ways to solve prolems after it was solved one way. I was so impressed with share time as well- there is so much to learn from seeing a friend try the same problem and approach it in a different way. The kids are beginning to understand this as well and apply their new strategies to their own work.

Da'Sean sharing his work during math workshop.

Zek sharing a different way he solved our problem.


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Aug 26 2011

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Shape Walk, Shape Walk!

Filed under Argus

Angela's shape walk writing. "Circle"Today our class looked at a book called Shapes, Shapes, Shapes by Tana Hoban. Tana Hoban is an author who is famous for her vivid photography in children's books. We looked at the book to recall shapes we had seen before and identify characteristics of them. After we looked at the story, we decided to go on our own shape walk in our classroom. Each child had a clipboard and was instructed to draw shapes they saw. I encouraged the kids to label what types of shapes they saw. For example, David saw that our large table was a rectangle so he drew the large table and wrote the word, "rectangle."Regan shows her shape walk writing.

 I was so impressed with the kid’s abilities to notice shapes around our classroom that may not at first look like shapes at all. Sascha and Journey noticed some shapes in unusual spots, including in the nook of where art supplies are stored on our easel! Ruth noticed that the lamp switch was a circle. How observant!

What shapes do you see in our easel?

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