Miss Bowers
Our classroom blog is working again! Today, we started our conversation about the heart and why it beats. Students already had prior knowledge about the heart as a muscle and about what makes it beat faster! We visited the gym today to try a few exercises to see which would make our heart beat the fastest! Walking in place kept our heart the same, jumping over a line sped it up a little, but running made it beat very fast! Tomorrow, we will engage in an experiment that will help us deepen our understanding about the heart.
Today is day three of our pedometer experiment– students have been amazed that they take so many steps every day! As we collect and analyze this data, we will use it to help us create a plan to ensure we are taking the number of steps that is recommended each day!
Mrs. Clark
Tonight’s Family Art Night was a great success! Here are a few pictures from the watercolor section of the night.
Mrs. Clark
Just a reminder: Family Night is tomorrow night, January 15th from 6-7pm at the school. We will be creating a few permanent art pieces for our building. Come prepared to have fun!
Mrs. Argus
We have a new website : 60.ips.k12.in.us
Please check it out! There you can find information about our school demographics, our latest parent-teacher organization notes, events that are taking place, and more. We also have a link to this blog. Shortly, we will have a school calendar and lunch calendar available. Currently, we are still having some problems with our blog but we hope to correct those soon. We hope you enjoy the site and can refer friends who may be interested in our school!
Mrs. Argus
After break, the k-1 team will be starting a unit on geometry. We need your empty boxes, containers, and cans to make this happen! Please send them in with your child on Monday, January 7. Thanks for your help!