Jan 15 2013
Family Night
Tonight’s Family Art Night was a great success! Here are a few pictures from the watercolor section of the night.
Jan 15 2013
Tonight’s Family Art Night was a great success! Here are a few pictures from the watercolor section of the night.
Jan 14 2013
Just a reminder: Family Night is tomorrow night, January 15th from 6-7pm at the school. We will be creating a few permanent art pieces for our building. Come prepared to have fun!
Jan 11 2013
Earlier in the week, we went outside and explored the snow. The students made observations and predictions about how long it would take to melt. They have also been coming up with theories as to how snow is formed. They are curious about the differences between snow and rain. I was excited when the students made connections to our previous work and wanted to measure the density of the water after the snow melted. We found that the water was more dense than water from the sink and we believe that is due to the dirt that was in the snow.
Today we received some new science materials! We now have four microscopes and a class set of thermometers for our science investigations. The scientists are very excited to explore the microscopes more closely next week.
Jan 11 2013
We have a new website : 60.ips.k12.in.us
Please check it out! There you can find information about our school demographics, our latest parent-teacher organization notes, events that are taking place, and more. We also have a link to this blog. Shortly, we will have a school calendar and lunch calendar available. Currently, we are still having some problems with our blog but we hope to correct those soon. We hope you enjoy the site and can refer friends who may be interested in our school!
Jan 08 2013
We have had two great days getting back into our routines at school! We are very excited to have a student teacher from Butler with us this semester. Miss Crume has been getting to know the friends in our room and everyone has loved showing her what we do each day. She has also been sharing some of her favorite books with us each day during closing meeting!