Mrs. Clark
I am sure you have heard by now, but our afternoon was amazing! We stared after recess with a special yoga. We had about 14 Butler friends come and join us. The kids taught them a new routine and then showed them how to relax and meditate.
Yoga with our Butler friends.
Our Butler friends meditating at the end of yoga.
When we were finished with yoga we were relaxed and ready to work on our play. We spent the last portion of our day rehearsing and going over the scenes. I am so proud! The kids are taking this very seriously and are very excited to perform for everyone next week. Don’t forget! We will have a night show at 6:00pm on Thursday, May 10th! Anyone is welcome!
Mrs. Argus
Mrs. Argus
The day was perfect! All day long, classes came and supported one another in preparing and planting the garden. We tilled, mixed soil, planted, mulched, and watered. We were so lucky the weather was spectacular, too. The kids seemed so happy and proud of their work. Such a wonderful day.
Tags: Butler, friendship, garden, image of the child, project, responsible
Mrs. Argus
Tomorrow, all four classes will be planting in our three large garden boxes in the side yard of the school. We will be doing this rain or shine (providing no lightening or thunder). Please make sure your child is dressed in clothing that can get a little dirty! If you have gardening tools to share, make sure they are labeled with your name on them and send them with your child. We look forward to this very fun and dirty day!
One of our garden boxes.
Tags: Butler, friendship, garden, image of the child, project, responsible
Mrs. Clark
We have started a new unit of study in Writer’s Workshop. Today we started talking about letters. I posed the question, “What is a letter?” The kids shared from their own experiences. The kids brainstormed what you could do with a letter. They shared why you write letters and how you feel when you get letters. We ended our chat encouraging the kids to write their own letters. I was so impressed to see so many friends going straight to the message center to write letters to other friends!
Tyler writing away!
Reid is writing a letter to Max.
During Free Choice today, we were working away on our play. This afternoon, J’Nayla and Raki worked very hard on the sound effects. I know that the kids really respect the work of others, but there was a moment today when I saw it come to life. The two girls were recording the sound effects but each time they recorded they would also pick up background noise. After a quick chat they decided to ask the class to be silent when they were actually recording. (Asking this during free choice is typically unheard of in our class.) J’Nayla explained it was for the play and almost instantly the noise stopped. The girls were then able to record and get all the sound effects they needed with little problems. After this moment, I could tell how each student felt about the play and about J’Nayla and Raki’s work. They needed that part to be complete too and were ok being silent for a few moments to help out with their work. 🙂
J'Nayla and Raki were excited about their sound effects!