Archive for the 'Clark' Category

Jan 24 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark

So Many Questions!

Filed under Clark,School 60

Each day we ask the kids to answer a lot of questions.  Instead of telling them what to do, it is more effective if the kids problem solve to figure out the process and answer themselves.  Today, I posed two questions.  In Math Workshop I asked, “Which line is longer?”  During our science exploration I asked, “How do you grow grass?”  I am very proud to say that both questions were answered quite well!

During Math Workshop, we have been focusing on measuring.  So today, there were two tape lines on the floor.  Once I asked the kids about the lines, I observed them brainstorm.  One student said, “Maybe we can use a ruler, no wait…that didn’t work for the straight line yesterday.”  Another student jumped in and said, “Wait!  We can use the tape measure that we learned about yesterday!”  (In my head I thought ‘connection!’)  After the group had decided what their process was we went off to measure and answer the question.  With the use of the tape measure, we actually found out that the zig-zag line was longer even though it appeared shorter!  The group’s conclusion was it is always important to measure!!

Which line is longer?

This afternoon, I was working with a group of students on this week’s science exploration.  Once I posed the question we had a list of ideas!  “Grass needs soil!”  “Grass needs water!”  “Grass needs food!”  With very excited students I introduced the idea of growing grass in gloves.  By putting a water soaked cotton ball into each fingertip of the glove, the kids had their “soil” and water.  They then added grass seeds to each cotton ball.  Once this process was complete, I posed another question.  “Can you grow grass in a dark room?”  The students all thought I was funny and instantly responded, “NO!  We need sunlight!”  Then as a group, we decided to tape the gloves out in the hall on the window so the grass would have a chance to grow.

A few of our grass gloves taped in the window.

When reflecting back on just these two situations, I am so proud of the kids and how they were constantly problem solving!  They are continually working together to accomplish goals 🙂

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Jan 24 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Lunch Agreements

Filed under Argus,Bucher,Clark,Estridge

Miss Estridge celebrating the achievements of a lunch agreement follower!

Over the past few weeks, our class has been brainstorming ways for us to make a more peaceful lunch. One day right before winter break, we came to the conclusion we needed lunch agreements to guide us and our peers in a successful lunch time. As a class, we drafted five agreements and then asked our fellow classes for suggestions. Each friend in our class had a chance to present the agreements to the other classes and field questions and comments regarding them. We were met with overwhelming support from our peers and created draft posters with our five agreements on them.

1. Eat your food.

2. Talk in a whisper (soft voice)

3. Listen to all teachers

4. Stay in  your seat.

5. Be peaceful (kind and calm)

Each day at the end of lunch, the teachers on lunch duty have taken time to acknowledge friends from all the classes that are following these lunch agreements. They have been met with celebration from their friends and much applause. It has been a powerful experience to see the kids start to hold one another accountable for a more enjoyable lunch experience. I even had a friend (who shall remain anonymous 🙂 ) say, “Boy my family could use some lunch agreements!”

Friendly conversation!

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Jan 23 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark

Writer’s Workshop Fun!

Filed under Clark,School 60

Our finished applesauce!

This past week we have been reading a lot of non-fiction books, specifically How To books.  On Friday, we read a How To Make Applesauce book.  Today, during Writer’s Workshop, we revisited that book and rewrote the steps ourselves.  After we had the procedure crystal clear we made our own applesauce.  Each student had a bag to dump into the crockpot to help make the fun treat.  After a few hours of cooking, we ate our applesauce for snack!

CJ and BreAnna added apples to our crockpot.

Our class really enjoyed their treat!

While our main focus in Writer’s Workshop was How To Books, I also noticed some impressive work during the kid’s independent time.  During our non-fiction unit our class has been talking a lot about using resources to help you write.  I asked many times, “How are you supposed to write about penguins if you do not know that much about them?  Use resources!”  I was so proud today when I walked around the class and saw nearly half of the class doing just that!  They were looking through books to get facts and help with illustrations. The kids are becoming such great writers!

Nytaiya is using a bird book to help in her writing.

David is using the book to help with his penguin illustrations!

Max & Reid are using snake books to add more facts to their writing!


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Jan 17 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark

Measurement, Science, and New Friends, OH MY!

Filed under Clark,School 60

We had an exciting day back today!  I believe the highlight of the day was during Math Workshop.  We have been talking a lot about measurement.  Today we introduced the ruler.  When the kids came to work with me in their small group we measured multiple things in the room.  They were so happy to learn about a new tool!

Dorothy and BreAnna were working hard measuring their notebooks.

Wyatt was measuring away with the ruler!

As if that was not enough, we introduced Science to a small group of friends today.  During Free Choice time a group of 5 students came over and played “Melt the Ice.”  They rolled a die and each number correlated to an action you had to do with a piece of ice.  The goal of the game was to melt your ice.  It was fun to listen to the kids and hear their observations as they played.  They noticed that the more heat you added to the ice the faster it melted.  This lead us into a short conversation about liquids and solids.  Each day a small group of students will be working with me on a science activity.  We will do a new activity each week.

Dorothy, J'Nayla, and Selah were working hard to melt their ice!

Finally, we have a new friend in our class!  Salih joined us today and will be with us for the rest of our school year.  I am sure you will be hearing about our new friend.  Our class was so kind and welcoming today.  I must say I was very proud of their genuine kindness!

Salih reading with CJ during Reader's Workshop.

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Jan 12 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark


Filed under Clark,School 60

It was a special day in yoga today.  This afternoon Mrs. Williams taught the kids a yoga version of musical chairs.  They walked around in a circle.  Instead of chairs there were different pictures of yoga poses.  When the music stopped they kids had to look down and do whatever pose was in front of them.

Yoga Musical Chairs


While we did play this game, I am sure that many of you are hearing about the games we play everyday.  This year, in our morning meeting, we have a section that is devoted to games or activities.  During these 5 to 7 minutes we play games that work on community building.  They are fun, but they require thinking and cooperation.  Some of these activities are Boo-ga-loo, Dance-off, Woof, and many more! (While I could explain each one it might be more entertaining to ask your child!)  The kids have to depend on each other to complete the tasks.  When they trust each other it helps build our classroom community.  I am proud to say that they have really taken these games on.  They get excited and will gladly work together on anything I present to them!

Max and CJ work together to play "Woof."

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