Archive for the 'Clark' Category

Dec 19 2012

Profile Image of Miss Cegielski

The Power of Children

Filed under Cegielski,Clark

We had an awesome time today at the museum.  The students loved exploring the Ruby Bridges exhibit.  They learned new things about Ruby, made connections to what we had already discussed, and came up with questions they are still curious about.  Ask them about their experience tonight!

Mrs. Clark and Miss Cegielski’s classes are having a combined pajama and movie party tomorrow! Students may wear their pajamas to school!

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Dec 18 2012

Profile Image of Miss Cegielski

Ruby Bridges

Today our classes joined together to watch the movie, Ruby Bridges.  The children were so excited to see the movie and they were making connections to what we have already discussed while they were watching.  Last week, we analyzed the different perspectives in the Norman Rockwell painting that depicts Ruby Bridges walking to school with the U.S. marshals.  When this part happened in the movie the students made the connection to the painting, “Look those are the marshals that protected her!”  They were completed engaged during the movie and we can’t wait to see their reactions to The Power of Children Exhibit at the museum tomorrow!


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Dec 11 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark

Caring for Our Community & The Debate is Settled!

Filed under Clark,School 60

David, Oliver, and Ruth delivered the eggs to Mrs. Judy.

Last week, our class was in charge of the chickens.  We were responsible for feeding the chickens, collecting the eggs, and taking care of the coop.  We collected 12 eggs and as a class we had to decide what we were going to do with them.  We have been having the conversation about helping people and yesterday Kristien volunteered and said that we should cook the eggs and give them to people who need food.  After a little bit of conversation we decided to take the eggs to Mrs. Judy, our lunch lady, so she could give them to people after she cooked them.  We delivered the eggs today.


The class decided this is what a regular octagon looks like!

The debate has been settled!  As a class we have been exploring octagons for the last few days.  We have had some heated debates over what an octagon should look like.  The three qualities that a regular octagon must have are perpendicular lines, congruent lines, and 8 sides. Each day we explored another one of these qualities and today, as a class, we could finally say that a regular octagon is the one above on the geoboard!

This was a long conversation over a few days, but I have been so proud of the kids and their mathematical thinking.  They were really challenging themselves to think like mathematicians and not just take an answer because someone said it.  We really went into new terms such as congruent and perpendicular!  That is tremendous exploration for 1st and 2nd graders!

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Dec 10 2012

Profile Image of Miss Cegielski

Literacy Celebration!

Filed under Cegielski,Clark

As a part of our perspectives unit, Mrs. Clark and Miss Cegielski’s classes are having a Literacy Celebration during Reader’s Workshop on Wednesday at 11.  We have been impressed by the depth of the students’ understanding through our discussions, so each of them will share one insight at the celebration.  It will give our two classes a chance to collaborate further and hear their peers’ ideas.  Parents are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served by volunteers from First Book, a local organization that promotes giving books to children!

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Dec 06 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark

Our Guest Speaker

Filed under Clark,School 60

Mr. Harris talking about games.

We were lucky enough to have a guest speaker come into our classroom to talk about games this afternoon.  Mr. Harris, who is a lab school parent, but also works at Butler University in the ticket office, came in to talk to us about games.  He is around lots of games everyday.  Here are a few quotes from this afternoon’s chat.

Why do you like games? -Max

I like to play games because of the people.  i enjoy spending time with my family and friends. -Mr. Harris


How did you start playing games? -Kristien

When I was a kid we used to play games with my mom and dad.  We played games like memory and Candy-land.  Now that I’m a grown up I try to play those games with my kids too.


Mr. Harris also left us with a thought that attaches to what we have been talking about A LOT with our project.  “It’s not so important that you win or lose, it’s important that you have fun.  Even more than having fun, games and sports are a good opportunity to be an example.  No matter how small or how big you are it’s important to remember that.”


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