Apr 13 2012
Family Night Next Week
Just a reminder: We are having our April Family Night next week on April 19th at 6:00pm. We will have activities that have to do with Science. Get ready to have some fun!
Apr 13 2012
Just a reminder: We are having our April Family Night next week on April 19th at 6:00pm. We will have activities that have to do with Science. Get ready to have some fun!
Apr 11 2012
Today we used the scientific method to help our turtle egg crack!
Question: How do we make our egg crack?
Hypothesis: If we put hot water on the egg, it will crack.
Experiment: Add hot water to the container holding the egg.
Observation: Egg cracks and a green part begins to come out.
Conclusion: We were right. When you add hot water to the egg, the egg cracks.
Mar 20 2012
Please join us at 6pm for our Trading Card Family Night! At this event, you will be introduced to the wonderful world of Lab School trading cards and be invited to create and share. We are also hoping for families to add their names to the Lab School directory at this event and exchange phone numbers for play dates over spring break. It should be a great evening!
Mar 19 2012
We learned Blue 2 is big and Blue 3 is little. When their owner says “icecream” their ears perk up. The same thing happens when he says, “Do you want to go get a new toy?” Their food is made out of seafood. Blue 3 weighs 18 pounds and Blue 2 weighs 58 pounds. Blue 2 is tan and Blue 3 has stripes. Blue 2 had big teeth, and Blue 3 had little teeth that were getting ready to fall out!
Mar 16 2012
Today we had a great pizza day!
Some of our friends started making a base drum.
They used a metal tub and other classroom materials.
Our other friends were creating a drum band.