Mrs. Clark
Just a reminder that next Thursday, March 22nd is this month’s Family Night! It will be at the school at 6:00pm.
In addition, the May Family Night has been changed to Friday, May 18th. More information will come as we get closer to the date, but it is going to have the theme of a school carnival.
Miss Estridge
Today we shared the drums we made with friends at recess.
Makay'la, La'Mount, and Raki listened to the drum sounds.
They enjoyed making music with our drums.
Jermaine, William, and La'Mount make music together.
Miss Estridge
Today we saw pictures of the inside of a cajon, which is a drum that looks like a box. We decided that we could make one.
This is a cajon.This is what a cajon looks like from the inside.
To get ready to build a real cajon, some of our friends made a cajon out of clay.
Isabella made a cajon out of clay.
Mrs. Clark
Just a reminder…We will have our Parent Meeting for March on Thursday at 6:30pm. It will follow our Spring Open House for perspective families. If you are able to come early for the Open House at 5:00 Mr. Smith is looking for volunteers! Please email him at or call the school at 226-4260. Thank you!!
Mrs. Bucher
Hi! In our class right now, we are making space suits to go along with our space project. We are hoping to “blast off” next week, but I do not sew or have a sewing machine to complete the space suits. I was wondering if anyone out there could help us out by taking the space suits (22 in total) (they will be pinned and ready to go) on Friday after school and sewing them over the weekend.
We really appreciate any help as it will help us get even more in the spirit of blasting off!
Mrs. Bucher and Mr. Nored