Archive for the 'Estridge' Category

Feb 24 2012

Profile Image of Miss Estridge

When should I tell the teacher?

Filed under Estridge

Today we learned the difference between being a reporter and tattling.

This chart helped us know when to report something and when we are just tattling.

We also practiced writing  with EXCITEMENT and expression!

WIlliam used a classroom ipad to look at a picture of the Titanic. The title of his book was "The Boat is Leaking!"

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Feb 23 2012

Profile Image of Miss Estridge

A Fun Recess and Yoga Time!

Filed under Estridge,School 60

Today we learned new yoga poses.

Isabella and Zakeyah practice "The Boat" pose we learned in yoga today.

We also played nicely with our new recess equiptment.

William and Jermaine were excited to play with our new sports ball during recess.

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Feb 22 2012

Profile Image of Miss Estridge

We Made A Clock!

Filed under Estridge,School 60

Today we got to make a special clock. We made the numbers out of pipes, connectors, and paper. 

Jermaine changed the time on our new clock.

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Feb 22 2012

Profile Image of Miss Estridge

New Blogging Approach

Filed under Estridge

Hi Parents, Families, and other Blog Readers! I wanted to let you know that we are taking a new approach to our blog. In the past, I have made all the blog posts. However, starting yesterday, the students will be coming up with the content for the blog as well as typing it. It is my goal that this will help them feel more ownership in the blog and will be an additional support in our literacy development. Occassionally, I will be making post of my own, but overall, I will be blogging less. I hope you enjoy learning about our day through the eyes of your child! As always, please let me know if you have any quesitons.

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Feb 21 2012

Profile Image of Miss Estridge

Musical Instruments

Filed under Estridge,School 60

Today we played with new musical instruments. There were drums, bells, and a rainstick. We had fun!

Aaliyah and Daysia work together to use the bell. Leah and Jo'Vyon share a new drum.

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