Archive for the 'Estridge' Category

Oct 27 2011

Profile Image of Miss Estridge

Daily News

Filed under Estridge

Today, we started something called Daily News. At the end of the day, after everyone has packed up, students are able to suggest sentences of something special about the day. I type them on my computer, which is projected up onto our screen, and students copy their sentence down. This will be one more way for students to practice their writing and for you, the families, to know what is happening in the classroom. The Daily News will be sent home every day, but  will be a day late. For example, the Daily News you receive tomorrow will be from today! It’s only been three days, but the students seem to really enjoy it, and I’m excited to see the growth in their writing abilities throughout the year!

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Oct 26 2011

Profile Image of Miss Estridge

First Week Back!

Filed under Estridge,School 60

Our first week back from Fall Break is going very well. It’s feels good to all be together again!

On Monday and Wednesday this week, our Butler teachers were with us. They are providing amazing opportunities for the students in our classroom to get one-on-one and small group support. Other exciting changes in our classroom are that we have a new student, Zakeyah! She joined our class on Tuesday. We have started using book bags during our Readers’ Workshop. Each student has their own bag with books just right for him/her. They were a big hit!

One of our four Butler teachers, Miss Gaisser, works with a group of students during math workshop.


A final change in our classroom is that we have brand new literacy stations. Students have spent the past three days working with letters, acting out their favorite Mo Willems stories, and writing messages to each other! It has been a great start to our first week back!

Jermaine puts a letter he wrote in a friend's message center mailbox during literacy stations.


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Sep 30 2011

Profile Image of Miss Estridge

It’s a Red Headed Ash Borer

Filed under Estridge,School 60

The day finally arrived when we ALL found out what kind of bug has been invading our classroom for weeks upon weeks. Yesterday and today, some of our friends chose to spend their time researching our mystery bugs on the computer. Yesterday, Leah and Larry found our bug on the internet and found out it is called the Red Headed Ash Borer. Today, they returned to the computers, did some additional research, and then presented their new found knowledge to our class! It was a very exciting day in room 105!

Leah and Larry present their findings to the class.

Leah finds a picture on the internet that matches the bugs in our classroom.

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Sep 28 2011

Profile Image of Miss Estridge

Block A Day!

Filed under Estridge

Today was Block A Day at the Lab School, which means that we had our 4 wonderful Butler students/teachers in the classroom with us. During the time that the “Butlers” (as the children refer to them) are in the classroom, they are working with small groups of students, reading with children, helping facilitate learning during whole group time, conference with students, and providing them with even more love and attention…something that I am ALWAYS happy for them to get more of!

With all of our extra hands today, we celebrated our September birthday. Parents of our September birthday friends were able to come in and work with our three birthday children to make cupcakes for our class. I love this opportunity because it allows for students to create. And when our students create, they take pride in their work and in themselves! When given the opportunity, our children are beautiful creators!

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Sep 28 2011

Profile Image of Miss Estridge

Remember when…

Filed under Estridge,School 60

Yesterday, during free choice time, I saw one of our students creating a very thoughtful construction out of blocks. It resembled a see-saw of sorts. When I asked Larry where he got the idea for his building, he said, “Remember that thing you got out for me that one day?”

Larry exploring with a balance during free choice time.

I immediately knew what Larry was talking about. A couple of weeks ago, I got down a balance for Larry and a couple other students to explore with. This new construction was Larry’s own balance creation! Take a look…

Larry's balance recreation.

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