Archive for the 'Classroom Communities' Category

Apr 11 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark

The Play

Filed under Clark,School 60

J'Nayla and Selah helping write some of the scenes for the play.

We have been working hard all week to finish our play and I am happy to say our first draft is done!  Each day a small group of kids has worked together to come up with the different scenes for the play.  (As a side note we are still working on the name of this wonderful play…)  Throughout the week in Writer’s Workshop, the kids have been creating all types of stories and trying to weave them into our class version.    They have told different parts of the play through watercolors and books.  While I have a feeling we will be revising parts, it is good to say we have a place to start!  Here are a few pictures of our work today!

Kristien creating part of his story.

Tyler is creating his story for the play!


Wyatt creating a character for the play out of watercolors.

Raki creating part of her story for the play using watercolors.


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Apr 11 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Dandelion Mystery

Filed under Argus

Messi plants some of our seed starters.

Lucas dissects his dandelion.

Every morning, we have a share time during our morning meeting. The Friday before our break, during our meeting, Tajanaye brought in what looked like a white dandelion seeds attached to a stem. She shared that she believed the plant to be a flower. The class began a lively discussion about whether or not the plant was a weed or a flower. Many felt strongly supporting one opinion or the other. As a class, we decided we would explore the concept the next day. Friends were invited to find dandelions outside and bring them in for dissection.

I think I saw something in there. Lucas

What?  Mrs. Argus

Something white. Look inside! Lucas

I don’t see it! Oh! I think there’s a stem right here. Aidan

So if it has a stem, is it a weed? Mrs. Argus

No! Sascha, come open the flower! Or the weed! I don’t know which one! I’ve never had this experience! Lucas

Its milk! Look at the white thing! Its milk. Aidan

(Lucas and Carriea come over with a book.)

They’re weeds! They’re weeds! It says their weeds!

I remember when we read the thank you plants book and it had cornfields in it. It’s a connection. And this says sometimes sunflowers are weeds when they come up in a corn field. Carriea

(Lucas points to a picture.) It’s the dandelion with all of its stuff in it.  Lucas

What’s the stuff in it? Mrs. Argus

I think it might have been the milk being pulled. Lucas

What’s this? David

It’s the nutrients being pulled. Being pulled from the flowers. Lucas

This looks like an umbrella. David

Want to see a cut open one? Lucas Cool huh?

I got this! These are things that turn into weeds! (points to the seeds on the dandelion) Michael

How does it turn into a weed? Mrs. Argus

All it needs is a rainbow to turn into a weed! I just figured out the mystery. These do turn into the weeds! Michael

Ruth shows friends the inner workings of a dandelion. She is trying to show how the dandelion sucks up other plants' nutrients.

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Apr 11 2012

Profile Image of Miss Estridge

The Scientific Method

Filed under Estridge

Today we used the scientific method to help our turtle egg crack!

Question: How do we make our egg crack?

Hypothesis: If we put hot water on the egg, it will crack.

Experiment: Add hot water to the container holding the egg.

Observation: Egg cracks and a green part begins to come out.

Students sit around the egg and observe the changes taking place.

Conclusion: We were right. When you add hot water to the egg, the egg cracks.

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Apr 09 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Also…Field Trip Reminder

Filed under Argus

I also wanted to share about our field trip on Friday to Butler University! Please remember to send in your permission form if you have not already done so. Also, IPS has a wonderful program where they will provide us with boxed lunches free of charge. I do not know specifically what the kids will be having yet, so if your child has allergies/diet restrictions please plan to make other arrangements. Otherwise, feel free to NOT send a packed lunch. We will hopefully get to enjoy these lunches outside in Holcomb Gardens. 🙂

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Apr 09 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Happy April and Welcome Back

Filed under Argus

Hutton and Maggie enjoy Reader's Workshop in the courtyard today.

Miss Schmidt and Cameron have a Reader’s Workshop conference.

I always love coming back to school after a long, well rested break. The kids are always so enthusiastic and excited to be back and there is a feeling of rejuvination in the air. Today’s day was no different. After earning our last positive point (for having a peaceful morning) we earned the privelage to officially have a garden outside the school and are eagerly planning its arrival. On Friday before Spring Break, we planted about thirty various seed starters. We voted on growing carrots, onions, lettuce, peas, and flowers in our garden and we were anxious to see if any germination had occured over break. To our suprise, there was little growth! “They didn’t germinate!” Messi exclaimed to the class during our morning meeting. We brainstormed why this may have happened. Michael shared that he knew plants needed LOTS of light and perhaps we simply didn’t give the plants enough of it. I shared that I thought the plants had plenty of light in the hallway, facing the large, courtyard windows but Michael very observantly pointed out, “Mrs. Argus, the tree camoflogued the light for the plants. They didn’t get any!” To our dismay, we realized Michael was absolutley right- there is a huge tree we didn’t notice was blooming blocking much of the light from outside. “So what now?” I asked our friends.  We had an open discussion where all friends were encourage to share their thoughts. Aidan suggested moving the plants to a different location inside, perhaps closer to the windows. A friend suggested we try them in someone elses’ classroom. David said, “I think its time to put them outside!” Then friends started raising their hands and saying things like, “I agree with David!” and “I like David’s idea! Let’s do what David suggested!” For me, this verbage was a really neat affirmation of our collaborative spirit we have developed not only in this classroom, but throughout the Lab School. As a class, we carefully walked out all of our seed starters and found a bright and safe location in the courtyard where we think our plants will not only appreciate more light but also warm air. We are anxious to see what our plants do next.

Journey places some of the seed starters outside.

Regan shares two caterpillar friends she found outside with our class. We will investigate more about their needs this week!

We continued with Story Workshop this week. Regan paints a picture of a garden that grows something very special- little girls!

David also uses watercolor during Story Workshop.

Journey is working on a very interesting garden story- a tree that creates animals!

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