Today was a very special day in our year…it was the first snow of the season!
The first snow is always so exciting in kindergarten and first grade. So, instead of ignoring this special occasion, we honored it today by taking a break from our morning meeting and heading into the hallways to look at the snow fall through the windows! It really was beautiful and the kids enjoyed it!
In readers workshop, we are spending our second week talking about Flippy Dolphin and vowels. Last week we began talking about the different vowels and the sounds they make. We learned that if you are sounding out the word with one sound but it doesn’t work, you can use Flippy Dolphin to flip over and try the other sound that vowel makes. The kids are doing a nice job, but vowels can be tricky, so we’re taking some extra time to firm up our understanding of vowels and their sounds. Today we read Sue MacDonald Had A Book by Jim Tobin. It’s a fun story about the vowels (to the tune of Old MacDonald) if you ever want to check it out at the library sometime.
During math workshop, we are also reviewing and extending what we discussed last week…division. Last week, we only divided numbers into groups of two. This week, we are beginning to divide numbers in to groups of three and more.
In our last workshop of the day, story workshop, we did our second gallery walk of the year. During morning and free choices, students were able to do an observational drawing of a lamp in our room. Three of those drawings were selected and hung in the room. Then, during story workshop, students moved around the room with a post-it writing down compliments and suggestions for each drawing. As a class, we critiqued the three drawings. Tomorrow, those three students will do a second draft of their lamp drawing, and we will be able to take a look at what critique and revision really looks like.
Olivia and Jaeda work on their observational drawings of a lamp during morning choice time.
Additional reminders:
Thursday is picture retake day. If you would like your child to have their school picture retaken, please let me know, and I will send home a second picture order form for you.
Friday is our Fall Carnival from 6-8. I will be sending home a flyer and tickets tomorrow. This Fall Carnival will be in place of the November Family Night that was originally scheduled for Thursday.
Lastly, we are still working on our classroom identity panels. If you have not sent in a letter about your child yet, please do so. We will be sharing the remainder of those over the next couple of weeks, and I would love for every child to have something to share! Thanks so much!