Archive for the 'School 60' Category

Oct 31 2012

Profile Image of Miss Cegielski

Butler Teachers in Action

Filed under Cegielski,School 60

Today, our students from Butler taught during many parts of the day!  Miss Gitskin did a read aloud that introduced another author for our upcoming author study.  She introduced the idea of word choice to the students and we noticed that sometimes authors repeat their words to add emphasis or create a rhythm.  Chairo used some repeating phrases in his story and then he was able to share this with the class at the end of Story Workshop.

During math, each of the Butler students chose a read aloud connected to one of the math concepts we’ve worked on this year.  The students worked in small groups with the Butler friends and listened to their book and then completed a problem connected to it in their math journals.  The students were very engaged and loved hearing stories during math workshop!

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Oct 30 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Bucher

“How would you feel?”

Filed under School 60

This was the conversation we had at the end of the day today:

(After we saw pictures of Hurricane Sandy)

Mrs. Bucher-“My friends, what did you notice in the picture or what have you noticed or heard about what happened with Hurricane Sandy?”

Jamari-“The car was under the water.”

Israel-“They lost their house.”

Mrs. Bucher-“Oh my goodness. I am so sorry you saw that Israel. You are right, though, there are people that lost their houses.

Mrs. Bucher-“What I would like you to do is close your eyes and think about if you were there in New York or New Jersey and you lost your house or you lost your car. How would you feel?”

Maggie-“I would feel lonely.”

Mrs. Bucher-“Lonely? Why would you feel lonely?”

Maggie-“Because people died.”

Mrs. Bucher-“You are right. People did die. So, yes, I would feel lonely too if someone I knew or loved died. Anybody else?”

Selah-“I would feel poor.”

Mrs. Bucher-“Why would you feel poor?”

Selah-“Because I would not have anything anymore.”

Noah H.-“I would feel scared.”

Mrs. Bucher-“Why would you feel scared?”

Noah H.-“Because I would not have my house anymore which would make me scared.”

Mrs. Bucher-“So, I hear friends saying they would be lonely, scared, poor. Now, we are safe here in our school and we are not going to get any of this weather. What about the people that have been affected. What could we do to help those people?”

(Many hands raise)

Makayla-“We could fix their houses and cars!”

Mrs. Bucher-“Makayla, I love that you want to fix their cars and houses, but here is the problem: we are here (showed Indiana on the map) and the storm devastation is here (showed New York\New Jersey area). I do not think that we can go there to help fix them. That would be quite the field trip, but I love that you are thinking about helping them. Does anyone else have an idea about how we can help?”

Heaven-“We can give them money!”

Mrs. Bucher-“We could give them money, but I do not know about you, but I do not have a lot of money..”

Selah-“Neither do I….”

Mrs. Bucher-“…so how could we get money to send to them?”

Many friends: “We could ask our moms and dads!”

Ashu: “We could send them tools (to fix their houses and cars).”

Mrs. Bucher-“Wow, my friends you are have been so thoughtful! I just wanted to say how much I appreciate how kind you have been offering so many ideas. We have to get ready to go, but we are going to talk about it tomorrow again because there are so many ideas we have yet to talk about.”

**Ahhh…this is where our conversation ended because we had to get ready to go home, but I seriously could not believe how beautiful this moment was. Everyone was being so thoughtful, generous, and kind. Our weather project is definitely taking a bit of turn based on this conversation, and how natural it is that we are changing a bit because of weather! I wanted to share with you this conversation because it was a great moment that the children showed empathy towards others.

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Oct 29 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Bucher

Number Lines and Wind

Filed under School 60

Today was such a busy day! During Math Workshop we introduced number lines to the class. We are working on counting on as a skill to help us solve problems. Instead of counting all of the numbers,start with the bigger number and count on. Some of the children were counting all of the numbers to solve the problems, but some started with the bigger problem, and then they just hopped however many more to get to the answer!

We are studying wind this week, and it comes at a very interesting time with Hurricane Sandy. I showed the children where the hurricane was today in relation to us and talked about if and what kind of weather we could see from the hurricane. We talked how we will probably feel a lot of wind and possibly rain from the storm. We decided that we needed to make a wind collage to be prepared for the windy day tomorrow. This week we will explore wind doing various activities including a balloon fly off, a car race, and an object tracks the speed of wind.





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Oct 29 2012

Profile Image of Miss Bowers

Partner Reading

Filed under Bowers,School 60

Today, we started using partner reading as an extension of our reader’s workshop time. This is an opportunity for students to read with peers who can challenge and support them during their reading growth. We created partner reading agreements last week, but hadn’t tried out the strategy until today. Students began by sitting back to back with their partner and reading independently. After this time was up, students were invited to sit elbow to elbow or knee to knee with their partner. Students take turns listening and reading to one another, asking questions and offering support when their friend needs it. They did a wonderful job reading to one another and were extremely supportive to their peer when they hit a trouble spot! I can’t wait to see how students grow and progress with their reading and with interacting with one another throughout the year. Here are a couple pictures from our experience today!




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Oct 25 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Bucher

Weather collages and symbols

Filed under School 60

Today we asked our friends what other collages we needed to make in order to accurately give the weather forecast each day. Our friends suggested cloudy, tornado warning, windy, snow so tomorrow we will make one of those so we can continue to give accurate weather forecasts.

In Studio, our friends began to make weather symbols so that we can give the seven day forecast as well. They worked with different materials: collage, oil pastels, paint, and markers, and they were really beautiful! They are going to work on them next week as well so that we can begin using them for our forecast!

During recess today the children were having so much fun throwing the leaves in the air! It was so much fun taking pictures of them.




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