Archive for the 'School 60' Category

Apr 16 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Bucher

Pennies and Planet Representations

Filed under School 60

Today we began talking and learning about the penny! Mr. Nored taught the children a song about the penny to the tune of B-I-N-G-O. It was so much fun to see the children pay so close attention while he was teaching the song to them. Maybe ask the children tonight if they can sing it to you. We also learned a new game where there were piggy banks with different amounts of change on them. The children worked in partners and one at a time they had to flip over a pig. Whatever the amount was on the pig they had to show that amount with the coins. The children LOVED this game and were sad to see the time end.

We have been talking about showing our planet research to an audience. Today I worked with two groups who wanted to videotape their knowledge of their planets. I am so excited to work with the other groups on their planet representation.


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Apr 16 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark

Snakes and Pennies…What an Exciting Day!

Filed under Clark,School 60

Kristien is sharing his snake painting.

As we shared last week, we finished writing the first draft of our play.  This week we are going to be working on revising it.  Today we made our first attempt at this.  As a class we decided on the protocol to revise.  If a friend has an idea they can present it to the class and together we vote on if we would all like to include it in the play. (This is everyone’s play so we all have a say!)  This afternoon, Kristien brought a new character to our play.  He wanted to revise the play and add a snake to the story.  He explained his thoughts and together we all decided to add the new character!


This afternoon, during Math Workshop, we started to talk and learn about pennies.  As we start studying money, I can already tell that the kids are excited about it!  Today we talked about it’s value and the different things we noticed about the penny.

BreAnna is looking for Abraham Lincoln on the penny.


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Apr 12 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark


Filed under Clark,School 60

Today we started exploring the concept of photosynthesis.  Over the last few days we have been talking about how the trees help the earth. (When trees make their own food through photosynthesis, they also have left over oxygen that they push out into the air.)  At the beginning of our talks the kids could tell me that the trees take in the bad air and push out the good air.  While this is a simple explanation, I wanted them to know more!  My goal is for them to gain new vocabulary such as photosynthesis, oxygen, and carbon dioxide!  So today we experimented with this idea.  This morning I set up an experiment.  Together, we completely submerged an aquatic plant in water.  We then put it under a light that represented out “sunlight.”  As the kids watched me set this up Dorothy made an impressive prediction.  She said, “I think the water will turn bubbly.”  Reid helped her out by explaining that the good air would be the bubbles in the water.  As the day went on the kids were very excited to see what was going to happen to the plant.  At the end of the day each friend got a chance to closely observe it.  Many said, “I see bubbles!”  They were very excited about this!  We had a short conversation that the bubbles were made by the plant and the fancy word for the bubbles would be oxygen.  While this may seem like a intense topic, I know that after a few more experiments and experiences all of the kids will be able to explain photosynthesis!

David and Selah are observing the bubbles in the water.

Do you see the oxygen?!

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Apr 11 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark

The Play

Filed under Clark,School 60

J'Nayla and Selah helping write some of the scenes for the play.

We have been working hard all week to finish our play and I am happy to say our first draft is done!  Each day a small group of kids has worked together to come up with the different scenes for the play.  (As a side note we are still working on the name of this wonderful play…)  Throughout the week in Writer’s Workshop, the kids have been creating all types of stories and trying to weave them into our class version.    They have told different parts of the play through watercolors and books.  While I have a feeling we will be revising parts, it is good to say we have a place to start!  Here are a few pictures of our work today!

Kristien creating part of his story.

Tyler is creating his story for the play!


Wyatt creating a character for the play out of watercolors.

Raki creating part of her story for the play using watercolors.


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Apr 10 2012

Profile Image of Mr. Smith

May 18th – Save the Date – School Carnival

Filed under School 60

Dear Parents,

We have a date change to share with you.  The School Carnival will take place on Friday, May 18th from 6-8PM.  Pleas mark your calendars and plan to join us for this fun filled event!

Ron Smith

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