Mrs. Bucher
Today we finished the spacesuits! They are on their way to get their names embroidered this weekend and then they will be ready to wear for space exploration. The children when we were trying them on today got a little giddy with the prospect of having their own spacesuit so that has been fun to see!
I am going to be sending home a notice about our next field trip on Monday so be looking for that!!
Mrs. Bucher
One way we are working on inferring is by playing a game of who am I? Mr. Nored led a wonderful discussion and game where he gave descriptions of a person and then based on that information the children had to guess who that person was.
Today he had the children write their own cards where they were putting information about a person in class. Half of the group read their cards and had children guess who they were writing about…they were inferring so much not to mention they were having fun doing it!
Mrs. Bucher
Today after a wonderful day of being so engaged with their learning about inferring, math facts, the moon phases, and of course more space, we had a fun experience where we launched a foam rocket into the air. Each child had the opportunity to stomp on a pump which then launched the rocket. The children absolutely LOVED this time, and it also brought about some great conversations about force which we will explore more tomorrow.
Mrs. Bucher
Today we began cutting the helmets which has really excited the children! We have about thirteen more to make so by Friday we should be done and ready to launch on Monday.
Some friends have been very interested in making a shuttle out of Legos. After about a week of doing this, Mrs. Grotjan found this video of this guy who launched his Lego shuttle in space!! Well, the children have decided to do this. This experience which we will track using a GPS or video will help us strengthen our knowledge of a map and space and tracking data. We are going to use a GPS or video…if anyone has any resources for getting a video recorder (we will never see it again since we are launching it into space) let me know!
Mrs. Bucher
Today Miss Robison (the student teacher in the Studio) came back from a week long professional development opportunity. As soon as she came back, I asked her to help with the space suits since I have no experience with sewing. In twenty minutes she was back with one of the space suits finished! We had Emily try it on since Cha’kyra was not there. It was so fun to see it in person! We cannot wait to see the rest come to life!
This week we are beginning to talk about inferring which is making deeper connections with the text by reading between the lines to see what is really happening. Mr. Nored opened by introducing Me Bags where he showed three objects (sunglasses which means he likes the outdoors and beach, a CD which means he loves music, and a piece of a basketball net which means he loves to play basketball). We were practicing making inferences based on the objects brought in. We are excited because starting today we sent home two bags where the children will be doing this. They will be bringing into school 3-5 objects that tell more about who they are and what they like. THe children were really excited about this so tomorrow we will see what Mekhi and Heaven have brought us that tell us a bit more about them!
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