Jan 14 2013

Construction Begins for Mouse City…

Filed under Argus

After drawing our plans and labeling what shapes we would need, we excidetly went into action on Friday! Friends were encouraged to grab various boxes and containers that were the shapes they had listed on their drawings, and then followed their construction plan. It was such an exciting time. This experience was a great opportunity to practice communication skills and negotiation, as friends realized they needed to work with their partners while deciding on exactly which size of shape to take. After working for quite a bit, some groups started to realize, “We need more materials!” “Like what?” I replied. The kids were then asked to write down on the back of their plans what other materials they would need to continue this process. Materials listed were:








Today, we will refer to our materials needed, gather, and go from there!

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Jan 11 2013

Our Science Story Continues

Filed under Cegielski,School 60

Earlier in the week, we went outside and explored the snow.  The students made observations and predictions about how long it would take to melt.  They have also been coming up with theories as to how snow is formed.  They are curious about the differences between snow and rain.  I was excited when the students made connections to our previous work and wanted to measure the density of the water after the snow melted.  We found that the water was more dense than water from the sink and we believe that is due to the dirt that was in the snow.

Today we received some new science materials! We now have four microscopes and a class set of thermometers for our science investigations.  The scientists are very excited to explore the microscopes more closely next week.

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Jan 11 2013

Beautiful Partner Work

Filed under Clark,School 60

Kristien and Ruth are working well together in Math Workshop.

During Math Workshop, we reviewed a game.  (Every Friday is game day). Today we played tic-tac-toe.  To play the game you move paperclips over two numbers and then add the numbers up.  The player then finds their answer on the board.  The goal is to get 3 sets of 2 in a row.

Today, Kristien and Ruth were playing together in Math Workshop.  While the kids are allowed to use a dry erase boards to help with the addition, I challenged them to try mental computation together.  Kristien and Ruth were up for the challenge.  I went over to those two and realized that they were working together to solve each problem.  The two friends were helping one another and doing it so peacefully! One of the reasons we work together so much in Math Workshop is to encourage collaboration.  Today, Kristien and Ruth were a great example of this!

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Jan 11 2013

New Website

We have a new website :  60.ips.k12.in.us

Please check it out! There you can find information about our school demographics, our latest parent-teacher organization notes, events that are taking place, and more. We also have a link to this blog. Shortly, we will have a school calendar and lunch calendar available. Currently, we are still having some problems with our blog but we hope to correct those soon. We hope you enjoy the site and can refer friends who may be interested in our school!

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Jan 11 2013

Planning our City!

Filed under Argus

Thursday morning, we had another note from Sam and mouse! He asked us to build a city for him and his family with all of the things a regular city would have. This led us to make a list of building we knew that helped people in our community (beauty shop, school, library, museum, school, houses, etc)

Later on the in the day, we chose which areas of the city we would prefer to work on. Some friends are working with partners, some are working on their own. We talked about the idea of planning out our buildings before we just build, so we practiced thoughtfully drawing our buildings and labeling which shapes we would be needing in the building phase.

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