Dec 17 2012


Filed under Cegielski,School 60

As you know, we have been working hard on critique and revision during Story Workshop.  Our Story Workshop Cycle has now grown to include the new phases that we have been working on: Think and Plan, Write a Draft, Critique, Revision, and Publish.  The students each have a clip with their name on it that they will move to reflect which part of the cycle they are working on.  Today we had one friend move into the publishing phase! Chairo started his final book and shared his experience at the end of the workshop.  Martavious shared a story that he wrote and published last year in Miss Estridge’s room.  It was great for the kids to see a finished product and have an idea of what they are working towards!



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Dec 17 2012

A Great Day :)

Filed under Argus

It was a wonderful, peaceful, and happy day today. This morning, we learned two new sight words, come and from, and we had a blast creating new jingles to help us remember them. The one for come is really beautiful, have your child sing it to you! I love how our class has been collaborating on creating music together for our sight words- it seems to fit so well with our Listening/Sound project!

This week, we are also examining different holidays that are celebrated around this time of year. Today, we learned about the traditions of Hanukkah and compared and contrasted them to traditions we know for Christmas. We had a great discussion about whether it was OK or not for people to celebrate different holidays (we decided it was, because “Everyone can be different”- BreAnna). We also read a story about a child who celebrated both of those holidays, which we also decided was ok (“Another different thing, an ok thing!”- Makenzi). We look forward to delving into more traditions as the week goes on.

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Dec 14 2012


Filed under School 60

As I reflect about the sad news that occurred today, I am reminded about how thankful I am to be here teaching and guiding the children at the Lab School. Thank you for all of your support. Thank you for caring for each student in this class and school. Thank you for all that you do to celebrate the amazing things that are happening here.

I know that everyone is going to be hugging their little one a little closer tonight.

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Dec 14 2012

Mr. Henderson’s Last Day

Filed under Argus

Today was Mr. Henderson’s last day! We threw him a little party, with cards, gifts, and some treats. We also drew portraits of him which were awesome. We will definately miss him.

There were many other great parts to our day as well… we read the Polar Express and the kids had quite the surprise when they went to put on their coats for recess- bells were inside their pockets! It remains a mystery who put them inside and everyone was so excited about them. It was truly a great day. Your children are the best.

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Dec 14 2012

Addie’s Ear Book

Filed under Argus

Addie’s Ear Book

Today we had something exciting happen- a friend finished a final draft! Addie and I worked together for several days to figure out exactly how she wanted her book published and what the final details would be. This is a story Addie has been working on for two weeks now, during our unit on critique, revision, final drafts, and sharing sound stories. After finalizing her published copy, I asked Addie where we could display the book in our classroom, as an example of exemplary work. Immediately, Addie took her book to our classroom library, found an open shelf, and placed it on a display easel. Addie exuded excitement, pride, and confidence as she did this. As Addie walked back from placing her book, she was surrounded by a chorous of “Good job, Addie!” and high-fives. Such a proud moment for our entire class.

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