Tag Archive 'building'

Jan 14 2013

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Construction Begins for Mouse City…

Filed under Argus

After drawing our plans and labeling what shapes we would need, we excidetly went into action on Friday! Friends were encouraged to grab various boxes and containers that were the shapes they had listed on their drawings, and then followed their construction plan. It was such an exciting time. This experience was a great opportunity to practice communication skills and negotiation, as friends realized they needed to work with their partners while deciding on exactly which size of shape to take. After working for quite a bit, some groups started to realize, “We need more materials!” “Like what?” I replied. The kids were then asked to write down on the back of their plans what other materials they would need to continue this process. Materials listed were:








Today, we will refer to our materials needed, gather, and go from there!

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