Tag Archive 'garden'

Oct 25 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Our Field Trip

Filed under Argus

We had a wonderful time. Hopefully, these pictures can give you a nice glimpse into our day.

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Oct 23 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

What Do Plants Need?

Filed under Argus

Today, it was raining, and we talked about how water is beneficial to plants. The kids and I discussed what a rain gauge is and we decided we need to put one outside in our garden. We learned that the garden needs about an inch of water each week. We talked about how if the garden does not get enough rain, we will need to water it with a hose.  We also learned about the other needs of plants. We listened to a new song that told us that plants need:

water, air, light, soil, and space

After that, we watched a video about how to grow lima beans in plastic baggies with paper towels. We were confused- how could they grow without soil? We have been coming up with lots of questions about what soil exactly is- was perhaps the paper towel acting as some type of soil? Does soil mean dirt, or can it be sand as well? Can plants grow in other mediums? We plan to investigate the idea of soil in the future.


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Oct 22 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

A New Message Center and Some Garden Work!

Filed under Argus

Today there were many new things in our classroom! Friends noticed new Story Workshop materials, which are currently themed around gardening and the outdoors. Friends loved investigating the different types of seeds and tried out some dramatic play with garden tools. Friends were also greeted today by a large contraption with a big light on it- an indoor grow lab! The kids were invited to guess what they thought it was. Many friends thought it had something to do with growing things indoors… we will find out soon! We also did some work in our garden today. We talked about the importance of mulch and learned that it helps retain water and keeps weeds from growing. We plan on doing a little work in the garden each day this week. We also spent our recess time in this beautiful space just as a class and played games. Tomorrow, other classes from our recess time will be invited to spend time in the space. Its so wonderful- and now we can really enjoy its beauty!

We also have a new message center in class. Each child has a small envelope with their picture on it posted on the wall. Throughout the day, friends can write notes and messages to one another and put them in one another’s envelopes. The messages are small, so friends need to be very thoughtful about what they are putting on the notes. So far, it has been a big hit with our class. This is one of many ways we continue to develop our community of friends.

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Oct 04 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Garden Day Fall 2012

Today was a huge success! A big thank you to our parent volunteers and volunteers from Dow who came to support us. And most importantly, thank you to the kids who made it all possible! More pictures and stories to come soon. For now, ask your learner about their experience and enjoy these pictures.

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Oct 01 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

A Three Course Meal

Filed under Argus

Today we had a wonderful day- a harvest and celebration! In th afternoon, our Butler Friends and Mr. Henderson led three small groups that harvested, prepared and cooked food for our class to share together. Miss Saks and friends created cinnamon muffins with eggs from the chickens, Miss Bickel and friends harvested and cooked brussels sprouts from our garden, and Mr. Henderson and Miss Weese and friends brewed lemon tea with fresh lemon balm from Mrs. Argus’ home garden!

One of the things we are focusing on as we begin this food/eating/garden project and experience is how food brings us together as a community. While enjoying our food together, we had discussions on friendship and how it felt to prepare for and have food prepared for us by friends. We talked about how it made us feel to enjoy food together and spend time with one another in this way. Friends said they felt…



fuzzy inside



We will continue to investigate the ideas of harvest, feast, and community during our time together at school. We are looking forward to what conversations come from our big garden day Wednesday and our field trip to the orchard Friday!

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