Tag Archive 'project'

Oct 31 2012

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Grow Lab Investigation!

Filed under Argus

Last week, we came up with many questions about plants and how they grow. This week, we decided to investigate two of those questions with an experiment.

Question #1- Can plants grow in sand?

Question #2- Can plants grow without soil?

 In our new grow lab, we have three pots with lima beans inside them. We talked about how our first pot is our control group, the regular lima bean in classic potting soil. The second has a seed in sand. The third has a lima bean in a paper towel. We will monitor the growth each day to see what grows, and which grows the strongest/tallest/fastest. We also read a book with Mr. Henderson about the importance of light on plants and Photosynthesis. We learned that leaves are like little kitchens that make food for the plant. Photosynthesis (the cooking of the food) is done by using light. Our grow lab has an artificial light that will be on while we are at school. It will also turn on for a short while during the evening, to give our plants lots of adequate light.

We have also begun talking about weather and the effects it may have on our garden. We wrote a letter to Mrs. Bucher’s class on Monday asking for them to teach us a little bit about weather. Yesterday, several friends came over to our class and brought a new tool to show us- an anemometer. This tool measures wind speed, it also had a thermometer and rain gauge on it.  To learn more about it and how it worked, we took it outside- wow did it move! The wind was so fast the anemometer top spun around and around. We also paid attention to how quickly the temperature dropped from inside to outside. We will continue to observe the weather and talked about its changes in November. We even created a weather graph to start tracking the weather in November!

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Oct 29 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

A Kitchen

Filed under Argus

This morning, the kids were greeted by something pretty exciting in our room- a kitchen set! Included with the kitchen were real fruits and vegetables and grains. We also included measuring cups and spoons, for pretend mixing. The kids were ecstatic over the addition to our room. Friends experimented and played with our various measurement tools and also did something we didn’t expect- they began writing! Various friends took clip boards and pieces of paper and began taking friends’ orders for meals! Then they would hurry back to the kitchen area and ask for the ‘cook’ to create the meal. The kitchen has unexpectedly become a wonderful literacy provocation as well as a measurement and math provocation.

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Oct 26 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Maria’s Perennials

Filed under Argus

The other day, Maria and her mom brought in some extra Day Lilies to share with our school. Today, we learned that Day Lilies are perennials which means they will grow back year after year! We learned how to split the Day Lilies and about a group of friends went outside to plant them by our William A. Bell memorial. It looks great!

While we were out there, we separated the Day Lilies into 10 plants. Our friends started talking math as we lined up the perennials…

Lets see, we have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Maria

Hmmm five and five. We need to do five on each side. Regan

How do you know five and five? Mrs. Argus

Because five plus five equals ten! Five on each side! Messi





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Oct 25 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Our Field Trip

Filed under Argus

We had a wonderful time. Hopefully, these pictures can give you a nice glimpse into our day.

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Oct 23 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

What Do Plants Need?

Filed under Argus

Today, it was raining, and we talked about how water is beneficial to plants. The kids and I discussed what a rain gauge is and we decided we need to put one outside in our garden. We learned that the garden needs about an inch of water each week. We talked about how if the garden does not get enough rain, we will need to water it with a hose.  We also learned about the other needs of plants. We listened to a new song that told us that plants need:

water, air, light, soil, and space

After that, we watched a video about how to grow lima beans in plastic baggies with paper towels. We were confused- how could they grow without soil? We have been coming up with lots of questions about what soil exactly is- was perhaps the paper towel acting as some type of soil? Does soil mean dirt, or can it be sand as well? Can plants grow in other mediums? We plan to investigate the idea of soil in the future.


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