Tag Archive 'story workshop'

Oct 03 2012

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Partner Writing

Filed under Argus

This morning, Regan and Messi came in and began looking at the light table area together. At this area, we have a provocation that says, “Where does food come from?” and various seeds, bones, dried herbs, and books about food preparation. Its a neat place that the kids are naturally drawn to throughout the day. Unique to their exploration this morning, Messi and Regan came up with an idea- “Lets write a story here- together!” Messi and Regan each grabbed books and writing materials and began crafting a story together. They negotiated what would happen in their story and took turns acting it out on the light table with the materials. They worked in complete harmony. We used their example as a teaching point today during story workshop. Messi and Regan shared their process of working together and friends were encouraged to work with a friend to tell their stories. We had some really great partnerships and some really fun stories come out of this collaborative experience. It is my goal that eventually,  the children begin to collaborate during Reader’s Workshop and Math Workshop as well.

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Sep 28 2012

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Hedge Apple? What’s That?

Filed under Argus

This morning, Ms. Simpson gave me four Hedge Apples she found on her way to school. What’s a Hedge Apple, you ask? That’s what we were trying to figure out all day! The odd looking, wrinkly fruits are green and fresh smelling, and come from certain trees located in the Meridian-Kessler neighborhood. We presented them to the kids this morning and asked them, “What is a Hedge Apple?” After a little bit of research and talking to some other adults who knew of the strange fruit, we learned that some people believe Hedge Apples have special powers- particularly keeping away spiders and insects. Friends were then inspired to create their own magic Hedge Apple stories throughout their free time and during Story Workshop. We hope to learn more about these intriguing things Monday!

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Aug 20 2012

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The Author’s Chair

Filed under Argus

Each day at the end of Story Workshop, we have share time. Sometimes, friends are asked to act out their story, sometimes they read from a book they have written in. Friends are usually invited to share if they have done something that our other friends can learn from or they have been working particularly hard on a piece. Today, Ayden and J’Den were invited to share. Each boy took their turn sitting in our rocking chair and reading their story aloud to our friends. After the story, the author can call on two friends to give compliments or suggestions (if the story isn’t finished and the author would like some). We are practicing giving authentic compliments that are specific. Practice giving compliments at home- it feels good!

J’Den reads his story about the carnival he went to on Friday.

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Aug 07 2012

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The Beginnings of Story Workshop

Filed under Argus


Addie and Makenzie tell stories with wild animals during story workshop.

Lucas, Beatrice, and Jackson tell stories together with their animals.

We had another great day at the Lab School. Our friends are adjusting to the routines and schedule of the day and transitioning well. Right now during Story Workshop, we are talking about what stories are. This week, we are encouraging the kids to use various materials to tell stories (fictional and real). Using materials helps the kids verbalize their story, which in turn will help them when they go to put their story down on paper. Yesterday, we story told with little plastic bears. Today, friends were invited to use wild animal figurines and barnyard animal figurines. It was so fun listening to everyone share! Later this week, friends will be invited to use multiple materials throughout the room. They will also be encouraged to write and draw pictures of their piece after they have created their story. I have already seen such creativity and enthusiasm in story telling this year so I know this process will be beneficial in helping us develop as stronger writers.

BreAnna and Cariah experiment with the light table.

We also enjoyed exploring more of our classroom today. The light table was a big hit with many friends. It was neat to see BreAnna, one of our older students, showing some of our kindergartners how to use the light table. She even helped create a piece with several younger students. Such wonderful collaboration.

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May 01 2012

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Our First Egg!

Filed under Argus

Regan checks out the hens!

This morning, our class excitedly went outside to check to see if Thelma, Louise, or Dottie had left us any gifts. To our disappointment, they had not laid any eggs, but our class did not give up on the girls. Later in the afternoon, we went to check again, and low and behold, we had one, beautiful brown egg! We aren’t sure which hen laid the first egg, but the class talked about  figuring out which hens lay which eggs.

The kids were also enthralled with a new provocation in our room this morning. Yesterday evening, the storm knocked down a small bird’s nest in my yard. Unable to put it back into its place, I brought it in for the kids to see. Next to it, I placed a question, “Who lived here?” The kids were encouraged to use watercolor pencils to tell the story of the nest. There were some incredible stories, I can’t wait to see what the kids come up with tomorrow.


Carriea's picture tells the story of the wind knocking down the bird's nest.


Who lived here?


Ruth, Messi, and Regan create stories about the nest.



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