Help Us

Forensics is a community, and we depend on our community for survival. This includes our alumni and other friends of forensics. Without your support, we could not continue to exist.


There are many ways you can donate your time. Some alumni who live in the area donate their time by coaching students periodically or by judging at tournaments near Indianapolis. Other alumni who live further away can also donate their time. In a post-pandemic world, some of our tournaments are virtual, so you can judge for us from the comfort of your own home and time-zone. Further, we travel to other universities and may attend a tournament near you. For example, the team will travel to Phoenix, AZ, in March 2024. If you are willing to volunteer your time, please contact our coaches at or



Our team has grown, and so have our costs. However, the University only covers a portion of our expenses each year. The difference is made up through fundraising and donations from alumni and friends of the team. Without the financial gifts made to the team, we would not be able to sponsor a team that has consistently placed among the top programs in the nation at the Pi Kappa Delta National Comprehensive Tournament. We hope to soon have a way to donate on this page. Until then, if you are willing to donate to the team, please contact Director of Forensics Janis Crawford at