New Image for Library Lab Computers

By , September 18, 2006 10:38 am

As you may know, we have expanded our computer lab in the Reference Dept. in Irwin, with a total of 25 computers right in the lab.

Along with these new computers has come a new image for the computers. There is now additional software available on them (like Photoshop) to make them more like the computers in the dorms and other labs on campus. Two other changes have also been made:

  1. The computers will automatically log off after 20 minutes being idle. This offers plenty of time if a student leaves the computer to go find a book and then come back, but still offers SOME modicum of security if people forget to log off by themselves. The norm in the labs is 15 minutes, but we wanted to make sure they had time if they were writing a paper and needed to go look something up, so we increased it to 20 minutes.
  2. Internet Explorer is now starting up automatically upon login. The two main programs that students use are MS Word and Internet Explorer. Since there has been some confusion about the extra programs available on the desktop, we are trying having IE start automatically, which will, of course, take them to the Library Website automatically. An informal poll I’ve done says that students use IE for email,, Blackboard, MySpace, research, and other functions, so most have been glad because it saved them the time of clicking and opening it themselves. As I’ve watched students, when the computer boots up, they automatically click on Internet Explorer anyway. If you are in a position to listen and gather feedback from students about this change, I would welcome that information.

Thanks very much.

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