Irwin Library Then: Card Catalog, 1963
Butler University students had just returned from summer break to find the campus transformed. Some described the building as a riverboat, some as a wedding cake. The Butler Collegian described it as a “floating palace of light” and “a dream come true for every student” when Irwin Library opened its doors to Butler faculty and students for the first time on Sept. 9, 1963.
Join us as we celebrate Irwin Library’s past and imagine its future with events throughout the 2013-14 academic year. Highlights include:
- an open house at Irwin Library on September 9 with complete with cake and a display of the building’s history from the University Archives;
- two art contests( featuring the library as subject) and displays;
- speaker events focusing on mid-century architectural design and renowned architect Minoru Yamasaki.
Yamasaki, whose most famous architectural achievement was the World Trade Center in New York, designed Irwin Library not only to house knowledge, but also to stimulate thought. He created the central atrium with its large skylight and fountain to provide an “unexpected experience” upon entering the library.

Irwin Library Now: Librarian Teresa Williams and a student collaborate on research
A reporter for the Collegian lauded Irwin Library’s “modern accommodations which serve the student in his every need for academic excellence” in 1963. Today’s students have different information needs, and Irwin Library is changing as well. Print journals and books are being replaced by Web-based databases and e-books, requiring wireless Internet access throughout the building. The library’s classrooms are outfitted with instructional technology. Study spaces designed for collaboration have replaced some of the study carrels for individual study.
Watch Library News for details about Irwin Library anniversary events or contact the Dean’s office at 940-9926 for more information.
During the first-ever IndyPL Library Card Drive on Butler’s campus, 50 Butler patrons were able to apply for and get, or renew, a card for the Indianapolis Public Library. Thank you to those who braved the weather and stopped by to help us celebrate National Library Week in this partnership with our local public library, and congratulations on your new library cards!
For those who were unable to stop by during the event, you may still get a library card for IndyPL, which will give you access to the more than 2 million titles in their collection, including ebooks and song downloads. Simply stop by an IndyPL branch with your student ID and a piece of mail verifying your campus address to get a card, and start taking advantage of the materials and resources available through your Indianapolis community!
The Butler University Libraries are partnering with the IndyPL College Avenue branch library to host a library card drive on Butler’s campus. Students living on campus or in Marion County qualify for a library card through the Indianapolis Public Library.
Students can stop by with their Butler University ID during the following times to get a card:
Irwin Library |
Science Library |
Tuesday, April 16 |
Thursday, April 18 |
10:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. |
1 p.m. – 4 p.m. |
IndyPL has a collection of thousands of titles, including popular books, music, and movies, as well as e-books for Kindle, iPad, and Nook, and digital music downloads through Freegal. Get your IndyPL card, and get access!
IL 119 Calendar (formerly “Library Schedule”)
Used by librarians to reserve IL119 for instruction sessions. Librarians will continue to schedule their own sessions.
Room Scheduling Irwin Library – IL GBR and IL 007
1. Log in to MyButler.edu and click on https://my.butler.edu/.
2. Scroll to “Calendar & Event Scheduling”.
3. Click on “schedule an event” and follow the prompts.
should receive an e-mail confirmation that is signed by Heather or
Brad. This confirmation e-mail should mention the room number.
Alternately, you can ask Heather to schedule the room for you.
Refer all requests to Heather or Conferences & Special Events.
Checking the availability of IL GBR or IL 007
1. Log in to MyButler.edu and click on the “view the My Butler Calendar” link.
2. Select “quick search”.
3. In the box labeled “space name” type “IL” and then click “go”.
4. Click view events for the room you wish to check.
5. Note that you can click on the colored reservation boxes to see the details of a given event.
Alternately, you can ask Heather to check room availabilities for you.
Room Scheduling IL 226 and IL 306
1. Students can reserve via http://www.butler.edu/library/library-information/library-services
2. Staff can do the same or they can contact Brad or a circulation assistant.
Browser Compatibility and MyButler or the Web Calendar
Web Calendar: http://myintranet.butler.edu/help/mybutler/f/detail.asp?iFaq=261&iType=35
MyButler: http://myintranet.butler.edu/help/mybutler/f/detail.asp?iFaq=216&iType=31
Problems with your browser? Contact Scott Pfitzinger or the I.R. Help Desk.
Here is an update on all the computer replacements.
All of the computers in the Reference Area have been replaced with newer ones. They are all PCs now, no iMacs.
All of the other “public” PCs throughout the building have been replaced with the newer ones also. The computers that were in IL-119 have been upgraded like the rest, but then redistributed throughout the building along with the Macs that used to be in Reference.
Current Summary:
Basement: 2 PCs and 2Macs in the Education Commons, 1 Mac in Rich Media Room, 2 PCs in the General area (where the newspapers used to be)
Main Floor: 25 PCs in the main lab (1 with Scanner), 1 group workstation in the back of the Reference Collection, 2 group workstations in the CLS
2nd Floor: 1 PC in SE quad, 2 wireless Macs in SW quad, 1 PC & 1 wireless Mac in NW quad, 1 PC in NE quad
3rd Floor: 1 PC in NW quad, 1 wireless Mac in NE quad
All total, that is 36 PCs and 7 Macs (including the Rich Media Room) available throughout Irwin.
Laptops should be arriving in IL-119 this week.