Reference Printers – The Final Saga

By , December 4, 2007 11:07 am

Okay, here’s the latest (and hopefully final) update on the printers in the Reference Department.

Over this last weekend, there were time that there were 30 or 40 print jobs backed up on the queue for IL_120_K. Monday morning, I hear, there were almost 100. According to Jesus, the reason for these jobs being backed up is simple: SOMEONE PUSHED THE GREEN BUTTON, thus turning the printer OFFLINE. Doh!!

The solution, which was implemented late Monday afternoon of this week (yesterday), was to lock down the control panels for the two printers. That means none of the buttons do anything but beep at you if you press them. I worked 5pm to 10pm last night and while there was a lot of printing going on, there were absolutely NO problems.

Please continue to log any printer problems just in case, but apart from jams, there really shouldn’t be many problems any more.

As usual, please contact me if you have any questions.

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