Reference Usage Study
Here is the protocol for how we’ll be handling the Usage Study in the
Reference Dept. Directions on actually scanning the materials are
included at the bottom of this post.
1. All Reference Materials (including Music Reference) are to be left on tables or carts.
2. Reference Librarians will pick up books occasionally during the day and put them on the cart near the Reference Desk.
3. Whoever is working the evening shift at the Reference Desk will scan
and then shelve the books on the cart. Preferably around 9:00 pm.
4. Weekend reference staff should collect, scan, and shelve materials 1/2 before their shift is done.
5. Circulation workers do not need to shelve any Reference Materials. The reference librarians will be doing that.
6. If you only have time to shelve a few books, only scan a few books. Any books on the cart will be considered unscanned.
Directions for scanning books (pretty simple).
2. Scan the books to be shelved.
3. Close Excel (“yes” to save changes).
4. Shelve the books.
Thanks for your help in allowing us to better document the use our Reference Collection is getting!