MG 101 Individual Research Project

By , September 29, 2005 6:46 pm

Reference Librarians –

Four sections of MG 101 will be working on their Individual Research Project during the next two weeks.

They are instructed to forumulate two research questions which are
related to investigating the following areas of the business

  • Economic Environment: Describe the
    prevailing and anticipated economic conditions that will impact the business.
  • Industry/Competitive
    Describe broad industry trends.  Describe the nature of the competition in the
    industry.  Specifically identify key
    competitors, their strengths and weaknesses; and, the related threats and
  • Market/Customer
    Describe the demographic and lifestyle trends that will
    impact demand for your product or service.
  • Global
    Describe any prevailing global conditions that relate to
    the business such as foreign markets where the business may sell the product in
    the future or obtain resources such as supplies.

After having created their questions they need to find two relevent
business sources that may help them answer these questions. 
Sources may include magazine and scholarly articles, industry reports,
etc. To help with database selection I’ve matched the business
databases to the various environments and noted this in the abouts.
Students were taught to match the abouts to the respective business
environment that they are researching. So, you may have to help refresh
their memories in this regard.

I also created a citing guide and sample paper in order to help them
with the writing and citing portion of this assignment.  The
Writer’s Studio has copies and is aware that the students are required
to visit.


APA Citing Guide

Sample Paper

Jon can field any complicated
questions regarding the assignment, their Individual Project, or their
end-of-the-year Team Project until I get back.  I will return Oct. 12 at which
point you can refer students to me as well.  Many will likely want to talk to me
regarding questions about the IRP because I am the grader. 

So, feel free to encourage them to
seek me out starting on Oct. 12.


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