Category: Announcements

University Founder Ovid Butler

By , February 3, 2015 8:12 am

University Founder Ovid Butler

How much do you know about Founder’s Day at Butler? Without this man, Ovid Butler, there would be no Butler University today. He wrote the charter that was passed by the IN State Assembly in 1850, raised money to build the school, and donated the land at what is now 13th St and College Ave for the first campus!

Ovid Butler

Ovid Butler

Ovid Butler (1801-1881) was a schoolteacher, lawyer, journalist, land developer, abolitionist, and founder of our university. He arrived in Indianapolis in 1836 and established a respected law practice. He was a member of the Free Soil Party and published the Free Soil Banner, an abolitionist newspaper.

In 1847, he redirected his energies into founding a university for the Disciples of Christ in Indianapolis, to be called North Western Christian University. As a board member, Butler saw the school through its initial fundraising and founding, donating land he owned to build the new school. In 1877 the school was renamed Butler University in his honor. This portrait of Ovid hangs in Robertson Hall. It was a gift to the university from Butler’s son Scot to commemorate the first Founder’s Day, Feb 7, 1882.

Architect's Color Illustration of the First Building Planned for North Western Christian University

Architect’s Color Illustration of the First Building Planned for North Western Christian University

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Founder’s Week 2015

By , February 2, 2015 11:07 am

2015 Founder’s Week

We are very excited that Irwin Library will be hosting some of the University’s Founder’s Week events! To see a list of all events happening this week, please visit Some items of note this week include:

Monday, February 2

  • Founder’s Week Kick-Off
    3:00pm, Irwin Library Collaborative Space
    Welcome by Provost Kate Morris and President Jim Danko
    Photo unveiling at 3:30pm. Coffee, tea, and cookies provided
  • Founder’s Week Keynote Speaker
    4:00pm, Irwin Library Collaborative Space
    Cultivating Positive Change: What Can Allies Do to Reduce Discrimination?
    Leslie Ashburn-Nardo, PhD, Assoc. Professor of Psychology, IUPUI

Wednesday, February 4

  • Book Signing
    4:00 – 6:00pm, Irwin Library Collaborative Space
    Indianapolis illustrator Michele Wood book signing, Chasing Freedom: The Life Journeys of  Harriet Tubman and Susan B. Anthony by Nikki Grimes

All Week Long

  • Founder’s Exhibit in Irwin Library Atrium
    An exhibit showcasing the history of Butler University, along with cut-outs of Ovid Butler and his daughter Demia, two founding important members of the university. Tweet your picture and #standwithovid!

Fun at the 2014 Founder’s Week Exhibit

For accessibility information or to request disability-related accommodations, please visit  

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2015 Celebration of Scholarship

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By , January 15, 2015 10:19 am

2015 Celebration of Scholarship, Creative Activity and Professional Achievement Event

Mark your calendars to attend and share your 2014 professional accomplishments at this year’s Celebration of Scholarship, Creative Activity and Professional Achievement being held on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 from 4pm to 6pm in Irwin Library.

2014 Celebration of Scholarship

2014 Celebration of Scholarship

Sponsored by Butler Libraries and the Butler Institute for Research and Scholarship, this event showcases faculty and staff research, scholarship, creative activity, and grant funding via posters.  This year, we are asking you to submit a citation and brief abstract of one or two pieces of work completed in 2014.  This information will be displayed on posters along with your name, college and picture for reception attendees to read short excerpts of colleagues’ professional achievements.  The linked form below will walk you through the abstract submission process (grant proposals do not need to be submitted).  Submissions are due:  Friday, February 13.

Our March 18 reception is your opportunity to view other’s professional accomplishments, meet up with colleagues, and celebrate our institution’s contributions to the advancement of knowledge.  Wine, appetizers, live music, and brief remarks by our Provost make this event a special opportunity to take a break and appreciate the collective research and publication output of the Butler community.

Please fill out the form below to share your contributions and plan on attending the March 18 reception:

Scholarship, Creative Activity and Professional Achievement Form – Submissions due February 13:

Contact Amanda Starkel concerning questions about submission.

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Library/CAT Duck Drop

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By , January 9, 2015 2:20 pm

Today Library and Center for Academic Technology (CAT) staff battled it out for who would reign supreme as King or Queen Duck in our annual staff Duck Drop. Master of Ceremonies, and University Archivist, Sally Childs-Helton ensured all rules were adhered to in this cut-throat battle for glory. Tensions ran high throughout, and in a finish that will go down in Duck Drop history, Tim Thomas, Associate Director of CAT, won the illustrious grand prize during his first time in the games!

Duck Drop Collage

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Business Research Workshop

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By , December 16, 2014 10:57 am

We extend our congratulations to the 17 Butler students who participated this semester in the Business Research Workshop sponsored by Butler University Libraries.


Pictured are some of the interns from the Butler Business Consulting Group who earned a Certificate of Completion for the Business Research Workshop.

Pictured are some of the interns from the Butler Business Consulting Group who earned a Certificate of Completion for the Business Research Workshop.

The Workshop, led by Business Librarian Teresa Williams, is a five-week series of in-class and online sessions on open access resources for business information.  Participants receive training on resources they can freely access after graduation, including federal and state government search portals, industry and trade sites, and public library offerings for the business community.  Students also learn about advanced Google search techniques for business research.


The business majors who participated in the Fall 2014 Workshop included interns from the Butler Business Consulting Group and several students who work for the Information Commons program.  Each received a Certificate of Completion, plus research skills they can use now for coursework and later throughout their careers.


To find out how you can sign up for future sessions of the Business Research Workshop, please contact Teresa Williams at

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