Category: Announcements

Tree of Hope – Lupus Awareness Month

By , May 16, 2014 1:49 pm

The Irwin Library has a new visiting piece of art in recognition of Lupus Awareness Month. Please stop by and see the “Tree of Hope”, which is on display in the atrium of the Irwin Library for the next two weeks.  The tree was designed by Jason Wright “The Funkey Junkmeister“, a disabled veteran from Laconia, IN.   He used scrap metal to create the tree and guests are invited to to place butterflies on the tree with names or messages of hope for lupus patients.  Gold butterflies honor those who have passed away from the disease.


The tree will be traveling to all 50 states, but we are pleased to have it here in Indiana right now, as yesterday, May 15th, Governor Pence signed signed a proclamation in recognition of Lupus Awareness Month.


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Follow the library on Twitter: @ButlerLib


ATTENTION LIBRARY USERS: Please return all Library Materials between May 5 – May 16

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By , May 5, 2014 9:02 am

As a member of the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI ), Butler University Libraries will migrate to a new library management system this summer. To assist in this process, we need all materials checked out in the current system to be returned and discharged.  Please return all books, CDs, DVDs, and scores between May 5 and May 16. If you wish to continue to use the materials, we will charge them out to you in the new system.

The new library system will continue to deliver renewal notices to you via email; however, when you receive a renewal notice, you will need to follow the renewal link in the email to affirm that you want to keep the item.   The renewal process in our old system was complicated, necessitating automatic renewals; however, the new library system empowers you to renew materials yourself.

Faculty, please note:  As part of the new system implementation, we are streamlining circulation policies to be consistent for both Irwin and the Science Library.  The faculty checkout period for regular book materials will continue to be six months, and the maximum number of renewals will be two renewals per item. This change will enable faculty to retain books for eighteen months.

Thank you for helping us to make the transition to our new system.  Questions?  Contact us at 940-9227 (Irwin Library) or 940-9401 (Science Library).

Thank you,

Faculty and Staff of the Butler University Libraries


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Follow the library on Twitter: @ButlerLib

Extended Hours for Finals

By , April 26, 2014 1:55 pm

Butler University Libraries will be open for extended hours during finals week, April 29-May 6. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for updates.  For a full listing of library hours you can visit the libraries’ website here.

Finals Week Irwin Science
April 29 (Tues.) 7 a.m. – 2 a.m. 8 a.m. – 1 a.m.
April 30 (Wed.) Open 24 hours 8 a.m. – 1 a.m.
May 1 (Thurs.) 7 a.m. – 2 a.m. 8 a.m. – 1 a.m.
May 2 (Fri.) 7:30 a.m. – 9 p.m. 8 a.m. – 9 p.m.
May 3 (Sat.) 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
May 4 (Sun.) 10 a.m. – 2 a.m. 10 a.m. – 1 a.m.
May 5 (Mon.) 7:30 a.m. – 1 a.m. 8 a.m. – 1 a.m.
May 6 (Tues.) 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Student Employee of the Year

By , April 16, 2014 10:32 am

We are so proud to announce that the student employee of the year for not only Butler University, but also for the state of Indiana was our own Irwin Library’s Eric Sanders!  He is the Student Assistant to our Music and Fine Arts Librarian Sheridan Stormes and has done tremendous work here in the library during his employment.  In his time at the library, Eric has had a hand in some amazing special projects.  He has verified publisher information for more than 200 scores for publication in the 4th edition of A Basic Music Library, he created two excel spreadsheets organizing data collected from a query sent to the Music Library Association listserv, and most impressively,  he initiated a project wherein he created a program that updates an acquisitions list into a more usable format, thereby shortening a workflow from 7 1/2 hours down to 45 minutes!  We are thrilled for Eric to have won this award!

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Sheridan Stormes, Performing and Fine Arts Librarian, and Eric Sanders, Winner Student Employee of the Year

We are also excited to announce that Molly Nebiolo received the award for New Student Employee of the Year!  Molly began working for the Information Commons program in the Summer 2013 semester and during this short time has proven to be an invaluable asset to the program.  After the completion of the fall semester, she was nominated by her peers for promotion to the position of Information Commons Associate, a supervisory and training role.  Molly has helped improve training, services, and outreach of the program, and has participated in the hiring process, which includes resume review, interviewing, decision-making, and onboarding.  Some of her project work has included assisting with the website redesign team, updating online library reference materials, and creating short videos to be used in the classroom.  Clearly this award was well deserved!

Tim Thomas, Associate Director, Center for Academic Technology, Molly Nebiolo, Winner New Student Employee of the Year, and Amanda Starkel, Information Commons and eLearning Librarian

Tim Thomas, Associate Director, Center for Academic Technology, Molly Nebiolo, Winner New Student Employee of the Year, and Amanda Starkel, Information Commons and eLearning Librarian

Of the nominees for Student Employee of the Year, the Libraries represented eight of the twenty nominations from all across campus.  We could not be more proud of our student workers and the amazing contributions they make each and every day!  We would like to recognize these additional nominees from the libraries:

Kyle Allen – Information Commons

Rachel Bergsieker – Irwin Library Circulatation

Stephen Cornelius – Science Library Circulation

Brennen Duke – Science Library Circulation

Katie Kieffer – Information Commons

Michelle Trainor – Information Commons

We are so proud of all of you, and of all our student workers.  It was a difficult decision to choose who to nominate as all of our employees do such phenomenal work.  We could not keep the library running without their amazing contributions.

Student of the Year Award Nominees

Student of the Year Award Nominees

Eric Sanders, Rachel Bergsieker, Brennen Duke

Eric Sanders, Rachel Bergsieker, Brennen Duke

Celebrate National Library Week with Trip!

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By , April 15, 2014 3:47 pm

National Library Week is April 13-19!  Irwin Library will be hosting a book signing of “Good Boy, Blue!” on Friday, April 18th.  National Library Week was created by the American Library Association to celebrate the importance and impact libraries have made in peoples’ lives.  As this academic year marks the 50th anniversary of the Irwin Library, join us in celebrating Butler Libraries’ consistent dedication to ensuring the best resources and services to meet student needs.


The book signing and pictures with Trip will be from noon to 1pm in the east atrium of the Irwin Library.  There will be refreshments, including puppy themed cookies!




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