Pizza and cramming…

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By , December 18, 2013 4:48 am

Out of 75 large pizzas, only two were left from our 24-hour study night.  It’s 4:30 am and there are approximately 12 diligent students, still studying…!

PicMonkey Collage


Get those strained shoulders massaged!

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By , December 16, 2013 4:08 pm






As part of Irwin Library’s 24-hour study night, two massage therapists from the Carmel School of Massage & Healing will be on hand to provide chair massages.  10-15 minutes massages will be available between 9:00 pm until midnight, Tuesday, Dec. 17.  A sign-up sheet will be available outside of Irwin 119 beginning at 9:00 pm.

Irwin Library Open 24 Hours This Tuesday

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By , December 16, 2013 12:31 pm

Stay focused and motivated on Tuesday evening by spending the whole night at Irwin Library.  The library will be open Tuesday, Dec. 17 through Wednesday morning, Dec. 18 – no closing!  To keep you fueled, Papa John’s pizza and soda will be available at 9:00 pm.

So find your favorite spot and hunker down for the duration.  Coffee, tea, and hot chocolate will also be available.


Irwin Library Art Contest

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By , December 16, 2013 8:12 am

Are you done with finals and looking for something fun to do before the holidays?  There’s still time to enter the Irwin Library Art Contest!  The deadline for entries is 3pm on Dec 20th, so you still have time to create a cool project having to do with your experiences at the Irwin Library before heading home for break, and win a cash prize while you are at it!  Be creative!  Full details are below.


The 50th Anniversary Celebration Committee of Butler’s Irwin Library seeks entries for a juried art contest and exhibit. Selected art works will be on exhibit from January 15 through approximately March 15, 2014.

Exhibit theme: Works relating to Irwin Library, experiences in the Irwin Library, or relating to library resources (including books, computers, magazines, etc.), or using such materials to create a work of art. For example, using discarded books to create a piece of furniture.

Medium: Two- and three-dimensional art, including altered books. Painting, drawing, and sculpture will be accepted. (Please, no photography as our previous contest was for photos only!)

Monetary prizes will be awarded to the top student entries:

1st  place – $100                   Judge’s choice award – $50

2nd place – $50

3rd place – $25

Participation in the exhibit is open to all current students, staff, and faculty of Butler University. Only student entries will be considered for cash prizes.

Number of submissions per entrant:  No more than three (3) entries per participant.

Fees: None.

Jurors: Sara Method (Associate Faculty, Herron School of Art and Design), Mark Ruschman (Chief Fine Arts Curator, Indiana State Museum), and Stephanie Robertson (Program Chair, Fine Arts, IVY Tech Community College).

Exhibition location: Irwin Library, Main Floor.


  • All submissions must be original and created within the last two years (i.e., on or after September 1, 2011).
  • Works may be two- or three-dimensional in format. Two-dimensional works should not exceed 18” X 24” in size.  Three-dimensional works should fit within a space of four square feet.
  • Two-dimensional submissions must be mounted and/or framed and ready to hang.
  • Students must present their own work for consideration.
  • Participants will be asked to sign a release form authorizing the Butler Libraries and Butler University to use the work for purposes of public display and print and digital publication.
  • Submitted works should be accompanied by a label containing the artist’s name, title of the work, medium, and date work was completed.
  • A signed release form must accompany each submitted work.  Please, contact Sheri Stormes (see below) to request a form.
  • Works should be delivered to Sheri Stormes at Irwin Library (room 119b).
  • Artists may retrieve their works after the close of the exhibit.

Intro to Comparative Politics Poster Session in Irwin Library

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By , December 12, 2013 3:14 pm

Students of Professor Brown’s PO 151 Comparative Politics class presented their posters on political systems of various countries in Irwin Library, Thursday, December 12.  The poster exhibit will remain up through the finals period for students, faculty, and staff to view.  Take a break from finals or grading and view these informative projects.

Photos by Sally Neal and Heather Howard


Panorama Theme by Themocracy