Library Hours for Fall Reading Break, Oct. 16-20

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By , October 15, 2013 9:09 am

Butler University Libraries will remain open during the following hours over Fall Reading Break.  For more information about library hours including upcoming breaks and holidays, please click here.


Fall Break Irwin Science
October 16 (Wednesday) 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
October 17 (Thursday) 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
October 18 (Friday) 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
October 19 (Saturday) 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
October 20 (Sunday) 1 p.m. – 1 a.m. 1 p.m. – Midnight

Butler Beat interviews Dean of Butler Libraries

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By , October 8, 2013 4:46 pm

Student Library Liaison Akeira Jennings made her on-camera debut on ButlerBeat, the student television news program available on YouTube, interviewing Dean of Butler Libraries, Julie Miller.  Akeira and Dean Miller discuss the future of academic libraries and how Butler Libraries are changing to accommodate the needs of today’s students.

The Art of Irwin Library – A Juried Art Contest and Exhibit

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By , October 4, 2013 3:48 pm

Call for submissions: The Art of Irwin Library – Celebrating 50 Years! A Juried Art Contest and Exhibit

The 50th Anniversary Celebration Committee of Butler’s Irwin Library seeks entries for a juried art contest and exhibit. Selected art works will be on exhibit in Irwin Library from Jan. 15 through approximately March 15, 2014.

Exhibit theme: Works relating to Irwin Library, experiences in the Irwin Library, or relating to library resources (including books, computers, magazines, etc.) or using such materials to create a work of art. For example, using discarded books to create a piece of furniture.

Medium: Two- and three-dimensional art, including altered books. Painting, drawing, and sculpture will be accepted. (Please no photography, as our previous contest was for photos only!)

Monetary prizes will be awarded to the top student entries:

1st  place – $100

2nd place – $50

3rd place – $25

Judge’s choice award – $50

Participation in the exhibit is open to all current students, staff, and faculty of Butler University.

  • Only student entries will be considered for cash prizes.

Number of submissions per entrant: No more than three entries per participant.

Fees:  None.


Sara Method (Associate Faculty, Herron School of Art and Design),
Mark Ruschman (Chief Fine Arts Curator, Indiana State Museum),
Stephanie Robertson (Program Chair, Fine Arts, IVY Tech Community College).

Exhibition location: Irwin Library, Main Floor.


  • All submissions must be original and created within the last two years (i.e., on or after September 1, 2011).
  • Works may be two- or three-dimensional in format. Two-dimensional works should not exceed 18” X 24” in size. Three-dimensional works should fit within a space of four square feet.
  • Two-dimensional submissions must be mounted and/or framed and ready to hang.
  • Students must present their own work for consideration.
  • Submitted works should be accompanied by a label containing the artist’s name, title of the work, medium, and date work was completed.
  • A signed release form must accompany each submitted work. Please contact Sheri Stormes (see below) to request a form. This form will authorize the Butler Libraries and Butler University to use the work for purposes of public display and print and digital publication.
  • Works should be delivered to Sheri Stormes at Irwin Library (Room 119B).
  • Artists may retrieve their works after the close of the exhibit.

Submission deadline: 3 p.m., Friday, Dec. 20.

For more info: Sheridan Stormes, 317 940-9218;

Butler Libraries in local press

By , September 25, 2013 2:30 pm

Check out the following articles in Indianapolis Monthly and the Indianapolis Star highlighting Butler Libraries’ past as well as its future:  Book Smart: Butler University’s Irwin Library Turns 50 in Indianapolis Monthly and As academic libraries cull their printed collections, they find bigger audience outside their walls in The Indianapolis Star.  


New Faces, Evolving Services at Butler Libraries

By , September 23, 2013 1:00 pm

During our strategic planning process in Fall of 2012, Butler Libraries identified key areas for developing and strengthening library services that will support the University’s academic mission now and in the future. We are pleased to introduce three new employees who will help us meet our goals:

Akeira Jennings is the first studenakeirat to be employed as Library Student Liaison at Butler Libraries. Akeira is a junior majoring in Journalism and International Studies, and last year she participated in Butler’s Global Adventures in the Liberal Arts study abroad program. As a journalism major, Akeira is well suited to enhance communication between Butler Libraries and the students we serve. She is currently job-shadowing with library faculty and staff to learn more about our services, as well as attending meetings of student clubs and organizations to introduce the liaison program.


Amanda Starkel joins us as our Information Commons and eLearning Librarian. Amanda has an MLS from Indiana University Bloomington. She recently worked at Defiance College, where she established the library instruction program and served as interim library director. Amanda will be co-coordinator of the Information Commons, a joint program of Butler Libraries and the Center for Academic Technology. This program employs students to provide peer-to-peer research and technology assistance. Amanda also brings expertise in Moodle, the learning management system currently in use at Butler to provide web-based and -enhanced courses.


Mary (Franny) Gaede is our Scholarly Communication Librarian. She graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in May 2013 with an MS in Information Science with an emphasis on digital libraries. She was a graduate technician at the University of Texas Digital Repository. Franny will coordinate and develop digital initiatives such as the Digital Commons, provide expertise in intellectual property and copyright, and monitor the dynamic landscape of scholarly publication. Her first project at Butler Libraries has been to create a virtual version of Celebrating the Past, Envisions the Future: 50 Years of Irwin Library 1963-2013, an archival exhibit developed by Associate Professor Sally Childs-Helton.

Please join us in welcoming Akeira, Amanda, and Franny to Butler Libraries!

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