All Night Study – Pizza and Mini Massages!

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By , December 12, 2012 9:26 am

Butler Students took a study break Tuesday evening at Irwin Library as they were studying for finals…  Pizza and five-minute mini-massages refreshed students and kept them going into the night.

UP ALL NIGHT! December 11th, Irwin Library – 24 hour study night .

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By , December 4, 2012 3:33 pm

Need a good place to cram for finals?  Irwin Library will be hosting a 24 hour study night on Tuesday, December 11. 

If you just need a study break, we will have pizza at 9 pm. 

To ease your stress, you can also sign up to have short chair massage between 9pm and midnight.

Good Luck on Finals!

Library’s Classic Catalog Unavailable Nov. 22-23

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By , November 20, 2012 11:30 am


The Butler Libraries’ Classic Catalog will be down for service and unavailable Thursday-Friday November 22-23.  We hope you’ll be enjoying the holiday instead of doing research, but if you do need to search the library’s physical collections, the Primo search box on our page will be up and fully operational.  No online databases or ebooks will be affected by this outage, only the Classic Catalog that lists the physical items on the shelves.

The Libraries will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday from Thursday-Saturday, and will reopen on Sunday November 24 at 2 PM.

Library Hours for Thanksgiving Break, November 16-25

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By , November 16, 2012 3:19 pm

The library will be open modified hours over Thanksgiving Break.  A full listing of library hours can be found here.

Thanksgiving Break Irwin Science
November 16 (Friday) 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
November 17 (Saturday) 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
November 18 (Sunday) CLOSED CLOSED
November 19 – 20 (Mon. – Tues.) 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
November 21 (Wednesday) 8 a.m. – Noon 8 a.m. – Noon
November 22 – 24 (Thus. – Sat.) CLOSED CLOSED
November 25 (Sunday) 2 p.m. – 1 a.m. 2 p.m. – Midnight

Award-winning children’s book illustrator at Butler Libraries

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By , November 14, 2012 2:05 pm

Butler Libraries are sponsoring two events (one in December and one in February) with Michele Wood, an award-winning children’s book illustrator who is an Indianapolis native and resident of the Butler-Tarkington neighborhood. The primary audiences for the December event are Butler education majors (AKA teacher candidates) and area teachers.  The library is collaborating with three COE students who are doing an independent study with Dr. Catherine Pangan to promote the event to those audiences; however, both events are free and open to the public, so please join us in learning about children’s book illustration!


The specifics of the events are as follows:

Date/Time:  December 3, 2012 6:00 -7:30 pm

Location:  Irwin Library (main level)

Event title:  I See the Rhythm of Gospel:  An Evening with Children’s Book Illustrator Michele Wood

Event Description:  Award-winning children’s book illustrator Michele Wood with discuss her recent work I See the Rhythm of Gospel, a sequel to the 1999 Coretta Scott King Award-winning book i see the rhythm. I See the Rhythm of Gospel beautifully relates the history of gospel music as reflected through the journey of African Americans from their arrival as slaves in America to the election of our first black president, Barack Obama. Following the presentation, Ms. Wood will sign books, which will be available for sale at the event. Light refreshments will be served.


Date/Time:  February 7, 2013 6:00 -7:30 pm

Location:  Irwin Library (main level)

Event title:  I Lay My Stitches Down:  An Evening with Children’s Book Illustrator Michele Wood

Event Description:  Children’s book illustrator Michele Wood with discuss her recent most work I Lay My Stiches Down: Poems of American Slavery, which has been selected for the New York Public Library’s “Children’s Books 2012: 100 Books for Reading and Sharing” list. The book uses the American folk tradition of quilting as a structural framework. In her illustrations, Wood employs African and American textile patterns and folk art motifs to create a moving witness and beautiful complement to the poetry. Following the presentation, Ms. Wood will sign books, which will be available for sale at the event. Light refreshments will be served.

For more information about Michele Wood, see her Web site.



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