New Database: National Network for Artist Placement

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By , February 24, 2011 1:27 pm

A new database has been added to the collection of Butler’s subscription databases!

The National Network for Artist Placement is a national directory of Arts internships, whose purpose is “to shorten the distance for an emerging artist who wishes to become a paid professional artist. We help any artist who chooses to manage their own careers.”
You must be a Butler student, faculty, or staff member to use the password-protected parts of this site. Contact the <a href=”/library/ask”>Information Commons Desk</a> for a username and password, then click “Secure Login” to access the site.

Study Rooms @ Irwin Library!

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By , February 10, 2011 7:54 am

The Irwin library has group and individual study rooms and numerous enclosed study carrels. Two study rooms, Irwin 226 and Irwin 306, are reservable by Butler students for both group and individual study. To reserve one of these rooms, please email Brad Matthies ( or Mary Richardson ( You may also reserve one of these rooms at the Circulation Desk. If the room is not reserved at least two hours in advance, we cannot guarantee its availability. The rest of the study rooms are open to all patrons and no reservation is necessary.

Come See What Your Professors Have Written & Performed This Year

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By , February 7, 2011 9:44 am

The Celebration of Scholarship & Creative Activity exhibit is available in Irwin Library on tables scattered around the main floor. Come see what Butler faculty and staff have accomplished this last year besides “just” teaching classes. There are books, articles, artwork, musical scores, CDs, concert programs, and more.

The items will be on display through February 24.

Celebration of Scholarship rescheduled for Thursday

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By , February 2, 2011 2:46 pm

The Celebration of Scholarship & Creative Activity, postponed because of the ice storm, will be held one day later than originally scheduled: Thursday, Feb. 3, 2011. The same times will apply (5:00 Cocktail hour, etc.).


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By , February 1, 2011 1:58 pm

Since Butler is closed on Wednesday due to the ice storm, the Celebration of Scholarship & Creative Activity must be postponed. Stay tuned for details of its rescheduling.

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