Vote for the Butler Lab School Movement Studio!

We have great news to share from the Butler Lab School Movement Studio! Jill Allen (Butler COE ’13) submitted an equipment/resources request through Donors Choose for the Movement Studio. You can read more about the Donors Choose organization at This morning Jill received the exciting news that the NFL has chosen to feature Jill’s project!

Starting tomorrow Thursday October 30th, visitors to the website can vote for their favorite project. Jill’s project can earn up to $1,000.00 if we get the most votes! This will allow the Butler Lab School Movement Studio to obtain 100% of Jill’s requests. That would be spectacular!

We are asking your help to blast this information everywhere possible at Butler. We need people to go to the NFL website and vote!

This is great for the Butler Lab School, Jill and the Movement Studio, the COE, the HMHSE Program, and Butler overall! Go vote and help us win!