Nov 09 2011

Guest Speaker

Posted at 9:21 pm under Clark,School 60

Mr. Boyle was very helpful as he explained about recycled carpet!

We had a guest speaker in our classroom today.  Mr. Boyle came in from InterfaceFLOR to talk to us about recycled carpet.  His company recycles old carpet and makes it into new carpet!  During his time with us he showed a video of how the new carpet was made.  The kids really loved to see the big spools of thread!  Someone said, “Is that as tall as me?!”  This was a very informative experience.  The kids were able to see another item that can be recycled in our world and how it is done.  In addition, we found out that our own carpet in our classroom is recycled carpet!  Everyone was very excited about this!

After the video we had a lot of questions!

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