Nov 10 2011


Posted at 4:35 pm under Argus

David has the gift of being a great artist.

Yesterday when our Butler Block A friends were here, we did a special activity about gifts. Each child was in a small group with an adult and had a discussion on having personal gifts and how each child contributes in a positive way to our classroom. The groups first talked about how these are not tangible gifts, but gifts inside us. Carriea said, “Like gifts from your heart!” The groups then went around the small circle and each child said positive traits about one another that could be gifts. Cameron’s gift is the gift of intelligence. He said, “I am smart!” Aidan has the gift of being good at sight words. Christian’s gift is drawing monster trucks and cars.

Michael and Messi have a conversation about one another's gifts.

One of our Butler friends facilitates discussion on gifts.

After each child identified a personal gift, they were given a task: draw a picture of your gift. The children spent time adding details and words to their picture to show others what their personal gift is. Next, we will add color with watercolor pencils and hopefully have these beautiful works displayed. Ask your child what their gift is!





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