Dec 16 2011

Did this all happen today?!

Posted at 4:12 pm under Clark,School 60

As I reflect back on the day I love how many fun moments we had! Our day started with a very exciting discovery.  We had an elf on one of our shelves!  A few minutes later we discovered that this elf had written us a letter explaining why she was here.  As the kids went from lunch to studio to recess she followed them!  We realized she was magic!   We had a lot of questions so together, as a class, we wrote a letter back to our elf that we named Cinderella.

We found the letter!

Our elf, Cinderella


Nytaiya helping us write our letter back to Cinderella.

After the elf fun, the recycling collection.  I was very proud of our kids, as we walked through the entire building to get paper!  As I said in yesterday’s blog, we decided to split into two groups.  The group with me went to grades 2-6.  They were troopers as we had to go up and down for three different stories!  The group with Mrs. Williams went to the K-1 classrooms, preschool, and the office.  They had a lot of paper!  It was really enjoyable to see how the kids truly felt as if they were helping the school.  Tylisha said, “Mrs. Clark, when you recycle you save the earth!”

As if that is not enough today we filled up our marble jar!! It was full!  The kids have earned an ice cream party.  As a class, we decided that this party would be on Tuesday of next week.

Our adventure-filled day is not done yet!  During snack we started a new chapter books, The Christmas Party from the Black Lagoon.  The kids voted on this book last week as we got close to finishing the Magic School Bus book.

Wow!  What a day.  I hope all of you have an equally exciting weekend!



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