Mar 16 2012

Story Provocations

Posted at 8:25 am under Argus

Provocation for storytelling: What stories can you tell with these materials?

Angela carefully chooses some natural materials to tell her story.

Friends work to create a camping story with our natural materials.

During my trip to the Opal School in Portland, I learned about story provocation with materials. There is much being done at their school around Story Workshop. Story workshop is a process where children are encouraged to tell stories with rich materials placed thoughtfully throughout the room and are also guided with some questions as a provocation. We have introduced some natural materials on a new shelf that have greatly intrigued the children, including seed pods, branches, shells, and other things. We encouraged the children to ponder using the materials to tell a story. There is a question in a picture frame on the shelf that reads, “What stories could you tell with these materials?” Some of their stories have been so rich and interesting. (as you probably can see from the pictures above.)  Miss Schmidt and I also encouraged the kids to tell stories about worms with clay and watercolors. The question asked of them was, “Do worms have stories to tell?” Their creations have been incredible. Such imaginative and passionate stories have arisen from this question.

David and Christian work on telling worm stories with watercolor.

Monica’s incredible worm story involving a bird of prey.
Messi had a very interesting worm story about a male and female worm creating an egg!
We also have another exciting event take place in the morning. We were lucky enough to have Mr. Beery come in and dabble with us in stop motion animation. Using a simple Ipad app, a small group of children worked with Mr. Beery to create a worm story. The finished result was SO NEAT! The class loved celebrating the hard work of our friends and are all anxious to have their turn at stop motion animation with Mr. Beery.

Mr. Beery and friends work with stop motion animation to create a worm story.


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