Aug 27 2012

If the Shoe Fits…

Posted at 4:09 pm under Argus

Today, Mr. Henderson read the class a story many of them know- Cinderella. Except today, this story had a twist-  it was Bigfoot Cinderella!  Basically, this was the same story but starring a Bigfoot Cinderella who wore wooden clogs instead of glass slippers. The kids loved the new twist. After the story, the kids were shown three shoes that they needed to help Mrs. Argus pick to go on a run. The first choice were a pair of first grade sneakers. We decided these shoes were way too small! The second pair we tried for Mrs. Argus were huge- size 10 men’s! We decided these were way too big! The third pair, low and behold, were absolutely perfect and fit Mrs. Argus just right- just like Bigfoot Cinderella’s missing clog! We talked about how shoes that fit just right are just like just right books- perfect for us! Some friends may have different just right books, just as their shoes fit us differently. We will continue to refer to this analogy throughout the year to encourage the children to decide whether or not a book is at their appropriate reading level. Later this week, we will start to talk about more of the traits that help us recognize whether or not a book is just right!

Mr. Henderson tries Mrs. Argus’ just right shoe- is it a fit?

Sascha tries out Mr. Henderson’s just right shoe!

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