Aug 31 2012

Math Game, Cup, and Observational Drawings

Posted at 8:20 pm under School 60

Today we played a new math game called The Train Game. This game you try and get your bear from one side to the other side of “train” (a stick of unifix cubes) first. You have to roll the dice and whatever number you roll on that is how many cubes you can move. The first person to get to the other side gets a marker. The person who gets the most markers wins. Our friends really LOVED playing this game, and what they did not know is that they were learning (ex. one to one correspondence, identifying numbers (the dice had digits instead of the standard numbers), and showing good sportsmanship.

I gave each friend a cup at the end of the day with a challenge: put it outside after school today and see if their cup would fill up from the rain! I gave them the option of taking a picture of their cup outside, drawing what happened, and\or writing down what happened to the cup when all of the rain came. Then they can bring their work in on Monday to let us know what happened! They were excited about this challenge!

Today at recess we noticed that the clouds were rolling in and we were noticing that the air felt different. We decided to grab some clipboards and paper and do an observational drawing outside of the clouds. We got great drawings and the children were noticing shapes in the clouds as well-like a dragon!






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