Tag Archive 'trading cards'

Jan 31 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

A Celebration

Filed under Argus,Clark

Kristien and Reed explain their game!

Journey and Lucas carefully look over one another’s cards. Which will they trade?

As you may know, our class works together to earn Positive Points. These points are earned when as a class, we are peaceful, kind, following directions, or showing any other kind of exemplary behavior. About a week ago, we earned our goal of 100 Positive Points! As a class, we talked about and debated what our celebration would be. We eventually decided we would like to have an ice cream party. Then, Da’Sean brought up a neat idea, “What if we invited friends?” We felt that Da’Sean’s idea of sharing our celebration with friends was so great, we had to do it! On Friday, we decided to invite Mrs. Clark’s class for an ice cream and trading card party. We wrote and then delivered a letter to their class. Thankfully, they accepted our offer! Today, Mrs. Clark’s class came over at 2:15 and we began our trading event. The kids practiced our trading agreements of trading peacefully, being kind when they did not want to trade with someone, and respecting our agreement of “no re-trading”. We had such a good time visiting with one another and honoring one another’s artwork and hard work! After our trading event was over, we enjoyed ice cream together. To top it off, Mrs. Clark’s class had a special surprise to share with us- a class created limbo game! (Ask a friend from Mrs. Clark’s class about the inception of the game!) Reed and Kristien explained how the game worked and helped us carefully navigate the limbo game. Everybody had a chance to go through and then an impromptu dance party erupted- so much fun! We are so glad to celebrate good behavior and friendship in such positive ways!

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