Archive for August, 2012

1 to 2 lib/3 to 5 CAT


So far since I havent been posting I will just say that I have been going over moodle and the

ipad in CAT and familiarizing myself in the library.

Brittany CAT 8/31/12


Today I did some iMovie training on Atomic Learning. I also did some tutorials for the projectors in the classrooms and the SMART boards in the classroom as well.

Congrats Abby


Now that you are done with the training part of Moodle, you can move on to the Moodle project next! I’ll post instructions for that later, but thanks for completing it so quickly!

Katie Library 8/30


There were not many people at the library today. I looked over some lib guides and explored some databases. I did spend a big chunk of time helping a girl find books for a class, though.



Today I spent a lot of my time working on the Moodle instructor videos. I have finally finished watching all of those.  What I started after that was the atomic learning videos for dreamweaver.  I am about halfway through those videos.  I have not yet started the iMovie training.  Tuesday, I believe, I will be starting the Moodle project.

Abby CAT 8-31


I emailed you a review of the Ipad quick training. I finished the Moodle Instructor training and sent the certificate. I didn’t have access to a Mac to do the imovie training so I search for technology tips and articles instead.

Kate Stel 8/31 CAT


I finished watching the instructor videos on atomic learning, poked around the bufiles, and began making my imovie

Kay’s Lib 8/31/12


It has been a pretty uneventful day in the library. I answered a few IM messages and an email. Then, I read through some BU Answers and some other info.

Kay’s CAT 8/31/12


In CAT today, I began my iMovie bio project. I ran into some difficulties after I put the photo reel together. Next, I watched Moodle atomic video tutorials again.

Lindsey Wacnik 8/31 Library


Today I began looking up articles that I could use for the Annotaed Bibliography project.

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