Archive for September 7, 2012
Shifts in library and CAT
0I worked today and it was pretty slow in both CAT and the library, although I did finish the moodle assignment.
Brittany CAT 9/7/12
0Today I browsed the Info_Commons page in Moodle. I also finished the SMART board tutorials. I also created an iMovie today. I watched more videos on Atomic Learning about Dreamweaver and still need to finish it.
Anum, Library, 9/7/2012
0I spent some time going through the information in the library libguide. I also assisted a woman printing colored pages.
Library 9/7 Katie
0Today I helped a few people with books and printer questions. Quite a few public people needed to be logged in.
Anum CAT 9/7
0Today I worked more with iPads. I then just looked for interesting technology videos. I am prepared for more tasks next week.
CAT 9-7
0Today I completed my student Moodle training. I did Classroom mediation: overview, touch panel, Smart board (getting started only), doc cam, copy cam, VHS & DVD, and tip sheet. I need to finish my Smart board training because I didn’t always have one to use. I also looked at the iMovie training PPT and the script. I have never used iMovie so I also watched about 15 atomic learning videos so I had an idea how to use it when I have to do my project.
Kay’s CAT 9/7/12
0Today I watched more Moodle atomic learning videos.
Lindsey Wacnik 9/7 Library
0Today was a little bit more eventful than normal! I was able to assist individuals with questions in the library as well as I got to transfer my first call!
CAT 9/7
0Today I worked on the classroom mediation training. I was not able to practice in JH048 because of a meeting, but I read over all of the documents in the training folder.