I did everyday tasks.  I helped with a question about a journal article.  I edited a few BUAnswers to reflect new information. In the question “How do I connect my PC to the Butler printers on campus?” I changed \\ada to \\buprint for the new print drivers.  There are two conflicting questions in BUAnswers.  “Where can a student receive a fax?” states that students cannot receive a fax on campus and “Does the library have a fax machine I can use?” states that you can send or receive a fax at the circulation desk.  Printers seem to be taking a while to print.  People will stand by them for a min or two before anything comes out.  We need to watch for multiple posts about the same subject.  I posted in the “Updates” page about how to print on special paper from IL_120_K because it looked like we had a patron use the color printer because they had resume paper.