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Posts by Shannon

Shannon H.-3/29-CAT


Today I helped with the new student information slide shows again in the Reilly Room. Then in CAT I worked with my photoshop project that I almost have done, but there was a little snag which I fixed.

Shannon H.-3/27-CAT


Today, Meg and I went over the Panopto and got me set up on the, sight. I also looked at some things on LinkedIn to further my professional development. A teacher came in with a problem about Moodle, and I found out how to work with the all of the restrictions on Moodle. I worked on more of the Photoshop project.

Shannon H.-3/22-CAT


Today, I helped with the slide shows for the New Student Registration group that had presentations to go through. I also worked on my Audacity assignment that I was given, and did fairly well so far. Next week, I WILL FINISH my Excel worksheet, I cannot keep pushing it back. That is my goal for next week.

Shannon H.-3/20-CAT


Today I helped the pharmacy students and set up panopto for them

Shannon H.-3/18-CAT


Today Meg and I reviewed Panopto, and worked with it a little. We tested out a microphone and set up my own recording so I knew how to use the program exactly. We also had a faculty member come in to set up an iMovie training for his FYS, and I reviewed what I would need to do with that. I worked on my Photoshop project. I will finish my Excel training this week.

Shannon H.-3/8-Library/CAT


Today at the library I dealt with a small color printing problem, but Tim was able to help me out, and entered in transactions for colored printing from the past few days. Then at CAT I finished my classroom mediation done after being able to use a Smartboard, and was working on Excel when I discovered a new Photoshop technique for text, so I had to try it out, and it looks pretty cool. Have a wonderful spring break!!!

Shannon H.-3/6-CAT


Today I wrote my Professional Development reflection, and then worked a little on my professional development on LinkedIn by looking to see what I needed to add to my profile. I also worked on my Excel worksheet and my Photoshop project. Friday, I plan on finishing my Excel worksheet and finish my Classroom Mediation project.

Shannon H.-3/4-CAT


Today I led an iMovie and Digital Storytelling presentation in two classes. It was a new experience but I really enjoyed it

Shannon H.-3/1-Library/CAT


Today I worked on my classroom mediation, and have almost finished it except for the Smart Board because I want to go through the process by actually using one. I also reviewed the iMovie script with Erica by presenting it to her in JH048, so I could review for Monday when I give DST and iMovie presentations in a class. Next week I plan on officially finishing my Excel project, and begin on my Audacity training.

Shannon H.-2/27-CAT/Panopto


Today I helped with Panopto in the Pharmacy Building, while the Pharmacy students did their group consultations.

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